Monday, May 12, 2008


The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT wasn't present but undoubtedly Stark County Democratic Chairman Johnnie A. Maier, Jr. was the man in charge of handing out Democratic Party awards on May 1st.

Especially deserving of an award was Party stalwart Billy Sherer (a long time member of Ironworkers Local 550). Billy (as his friends call him) deserved to be recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Billy Sherer is a class act and it is more than ironic that the man behind the award (Maier) finessed Sherer out of his Stark County Board of Elections post after 13 years of service by concocting a scheme to make it appear that Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner had demanded that an attorney (Feruccio, Johnnie's ally) be selected. A less mature person than Sherer might have balked at taking an award initiated by Maier but it needs to be said again: Billy Sherer is a class act who more than deserves any award the Stark County Democratic Party issues.

Not to take anything whatsoever from Sherer's honor, the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) muses on Maier's ulterior motive (in light of Maier's insult on Sherer in the Board of Election caper), but in the judgment of The Report, Maier does nothing without having some perceived advantage flow to him as a consequence of acting.

Many folks in Stark County's organized labor movement do not see the chairman as being labor friendly. They see him and some of the Democratic candidates/officeholders as taking them for granted and a good source for fundraising.

The Report believes there are two factors in the Maier turnabout. First, he desperately wants Celeste DeHoff elected as 50th House District represented. She brings her own baggage vis-a-vis organized labor. As a Tuscarawas Township trustee, she participated in the firings of several union workers. Moreover, she is viewed with suspicion by some in the party as not being a real Democrat. Up to as recently as four years ago, she was a registered Republican.

Second, it could be that the Strickland people in Columbus have told Maier to mend fences with Stark County organized labor. Stark County unions really like Governor Strickland and it is thought they have complained to Strickland's confidants about Maier's seeming anti-union attitude. Local unions have found Maier hard to stomach. They demonstrated this by running their own candidate for Sherer's Board of Elections seat when his immediate successor Randy Gonzalez had to resign because of a conflict with his government job.

Make no mistake about it, Maier is a political manipulator, extraordinaire. As a state representative, Maier grew up politically under old style political boss Vern Riffe and to this day reveres the man. His applies the lessons learned with precision.

There you have it folks; "hats off" to the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT'S 2008 POLITICAL CHUTZPAH AWARD winner - Stark County Democratic Party Chairman - Johnnie A. Maier, Jr.

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