Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The headline written by The Repository's title editor for former Stark County Republican Party chair Curt Braden's May 14th published letter to the editor reads:

State Democrats are plotting behind the scenes to keep attorney general in office until Sept. 25.

Today, May 28, 2008, Ohio's non-conspiratorial governor, Ted Strickland, appointed the dean of Ohio State's law school to be interim attorney general.

Strickland said that he did not know the appointee was a Democrat until after he had decided to appoint her.

So it turns out that the only conspiratorial thinker is none other than Curt Braden himself.

But the STARK POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) will give Braden this, he is not alone. In The Report's association with Stark County Democratic chair Johnnie A. Maier, Jr., the same kind of thinking has been abundantly present. It must come with being a county party chairman.

The difference between Braden and Maier is that Maier doesn't write letters to the editor documenting his "baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others." (definition from Random House electronic dictionary). This difference is most likely the reason Braden is no longer party chair, while Maier continues.

I know, I know; this is how many politicians think. You are either for or against them. And, certainly, if one is either of the opposition party or, horror upon horror, an independent minded person - you by definition are up to no good.

The STARK POLITICAL REPORT is an independent voice on Stark County politics. Notice the operative word is "independent" not "neutral." The Report does and will continue to have a definite "point of view." But The Report will not be hamstrung by Republican/Democrat constraints.

Many times there is a third point of view that takes issue with the two major political parties.

Or, the issue(s) may not be Republican/Democrat political.

An example of the latter point. The issue: 9-1-1. In the judgment of The Report, Commissioner Todd Bosley (a Democrat) is for the plan supported by most of Stark County's fire chiefs, police chiefs and EMS chiefs (three centers in the county). on the other side is Jane Vignos (Republican) and Tom Harmon (Democrat).

Although The Report believes that this is not a party issue, The Report has suggested that, perhaps, the Bosley plan is in reality a Republican plan. In time, we shall know one way or the other.

Back to the main question: Does Braden need to apologize to Governor Strickland and The Ohio Democratic Party?

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