Friday, July 18, 2008


In a chat with Dan Scuiry, president of the Hall of Fame AFL-CIO, shared with the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) his disgust for newly appointed 52nd district state representative Stephen Slesnick.

Fortunate for Slesnick, the Stark County Republicans rolled over for him and nominated a nonentity as its candidate (Easterday) in the November election.

It is not realistic that in the foreseeable future that the Republicans could come up with a credible candidate (in the sense of having a real chance to win) .

More likely, the challenge will come from within. We all remember how Jamey Healy (now Willam J. Healy, II - mayor of Canton) took Mary Cirelli out several years ago. You can bet that Stark County labor organizations will be watching Slesnick very closely over the next two years.

What is Scuiry so upset about? Slesnick joining in concert with Republicans Oelslager, Schuring and Hagan at a Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce event at the McKinley Grand to condemn a union initiative to embed in the Ohio Constitution a mandate that employers with 25 or more employees over 7 sick days annually to their employees.

Scuiry said that Slesnick comes from a "business-family" and that therefore he is representing the interests of business types and is not looking out for the best interests of everyday Stark Countians/Ohioans.

Question: Is Stephen Slesnick the right fit for a largely working class legislative district?

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