Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Periodically, The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) checks on efforts by the DeHoff campaign to communicate with constituents.

Celeste must be doing a lot of door-to-door because she certainly isn't spending much time on her website. It took her forever (it seemed) to get anything up in the first place. Then it only lasted a few weeks.

The Report understands why it was jerked down after a short life. The initial site was worthless.

The same can be said for her opponent's (Republican Todd Snitchler). No interactivity; no real news about the ongoings of the campaign.

This campaign likely will go down in the annals of Stark County campaigning as one of the most boring on record.

The Report ran into Stark County Auditor Kim Perez several weeks ago. Perez was asked if his, then employee, Mike Stevens (who now works for Massillon) was going to be a "write-in" candidate for the 50th District seat.

Perez's response was terse. His take: "write-ins" cannot win. He was behind DeHoff because she was the best chance for the Democrats to take control of the Ohio House. This, Perez said, was his top priority.

Well, if Perez's wish is to become reality, Stark County Democratic Party chair Johnnie A. Maier, Jr., Ohio Democratic Party chair Chris Redfern and the Ohio House Democratic caucus better get the DeHoff campaign moving. The 50th is indexed Republican due to gerrymandering. This race is an uphill climb even though Snitchler is such a vanilla candidate (e.g. made an appearance recently at the Uniontown Business Association and never mentioned once that he was a candidate).

If DeHoff loses, the blame will be squarely on the shoulders of Maier which will tarnish his image with the Strickland administration.

Question: Does it bode well for Ohio House Democrats that Celeste DeHoff is one of their "tipping point" candidates?

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