Friday, July 25, 2008


Sometime ago the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) passed on to the readers of The Report the assessment of an elected county official that county commissioner candidates John Hagan and DR. Peter Ferguson are "the two laziest candidates [in the Stark County field of candidates, and] the winner would be the least lazy."

All Stark County voters should be distressed at this assessment.


Like it or not, one of these two will become Jane Vignos' successor.

The Report has known John Hagan for years and knows first hand how utterly lazy and pompous this guy is. If Hagan gets elected, he will consult with Stark County Republican Party Chairman Jeff Matthews and other "leaders?" of the local Republican party to determine what the "official party position" is on any given issue, and, that is how he will vote. John Hagan is the perfect person when leadership wants a "gofer."

Pete Ferguson, was indignant and upset about being called lazy. And, he called The Report to complain. Only problem was is that The Report never called him lazy - who did? Remember? The elected county official The Report refers to.

The Report pointed this out to Ferguson. Then The Report had a few questions for Ferguson. Ah, but guess what? - he was too busy at the time and promised to call back.

Well, Ferguson has never called back. Now The Report is thinking that Ferguson is not a man of his word.

The Report already had misgivings about Ferguson because of his declaration at a meeting of the North Canton Area Democratic Club in January/February of 2008 in a candidates night meeting that his candidacy was based on making more cuts to the county budget.

A friendly Democrat questioned - where? Ferguson hem-hawed and never provided specifics. The Report ran into the "friendly Democrat" at the John Boccieri event at the W. Tusc. Sunoco on June 30th. Asked to the "friendly Democrat" - has Pete Ferguson ever answered your question on where he would make cuts? Answer: no - but he did say he would research it and get back to me.

So The Report's take on Ferguson is that he is guilty of "sound-bite" politicking. Uninformed Stark County voters will like hearing this unreal solution to the county's financial woes. But any candidate who takes this position cannot have investigated county finances in any detail.

Accordingly, it would be scary for this person to be elected county commissioner.

The Report is bewildered at having to choose between Hagan and Ferguson.

The only solace to voters is that Bosley continues as commissioner and - very likely - Harmon will remain.

Question: who will do the least damage to the future of Stark County, Hagan or Ferguson?

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