Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Who is advising the Celeste DeHoff campaign?

While the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) does not believe that campaign websites (as typically constructed) mean much, if anything, towards the outcome of an election, the outright lack of a website presence might indicate a floundering campaign.

Campaign websites probably influence very few voters because most citizens are aware that these websites are "spin" pages that propagandize for the host candidate.

If a candidate were to put a live chat on their website and do other interactive features that allow for some spontaneity, then the site could be worth visiting.

But to expect any candidate to expose him/herself to one-on-one with a voter with other voters looking on is a bit much.

So The Report is not surprised that the Snitchler site is the same old protective shell that candidates who cannot face the voters typically put up. But at least the fact Snitichler has a site indicates some life.

How about the DeHoff campaign. Is a "currently under maintenance indication that this campaign is "dead in the water?" Is this a sign that Stark County Democratic chair Johnnie A. Maier, Jr. has given up on his political ward?

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