Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It is truly amazing how government at all levels can and do botch things up.

What's this? A gentlemen's agreement between governments. Nothing in writing.


Is doesn't take a lawyer to know that all agreements need to be in writing.

The current crises between the Stark County Board of Commissioners and the Stark County Office of the Sheriff on one side versus Alliance and Massillon on the other side could have been averted by a simple written agreement with language to the effect: "when this levy (Criminal Justice) expires, then the agreement by Stark County to house Massillon city and Alliance city prisoners free also expires."

Just as happened with 9-1-1 when it was set up, a past Board of Commissioners comes back to haunt the current board.

But Sheriff Swanson and the city governments of Alliance and Massillon share responsibility. It was also incumbent on them to insist on a written agreement dotting the i's and crossing the t's.

The bottom line for Stark County taxpayers outside of Alliance and Massillon is that the citizens of townships, the remaining cities and villages may end up subsidizing Alliance and Massillon forever, if the cities can make their interpretation of the 1997 "verbal" stick.

Because of government's failure (it is important to have competent people in office), there is "bad blood" brewing between the various parties which only serves to hurt all of Stark County working together for the betterment of the entire county.

Question: How should this issue be resolved?

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