Thursday, August 28, 2008


In the experience of the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report), when a person says the he/she is not doing something, it most likely turns out that is exactly what is happening.

The Independent reported yesterday that Celeste DeHoff (Dem - candidate Ohio House 50th) said at Monday night's Tuscarawas Township trustees' meeting said “I’ve never been a person that does things for political gain."

DeHoff had just made a motion (which went unseconded) not to appeal a decision on the firing in October, 2006 of Teamsters members Faber and Knerr.

The Report is not buying DeHoff's self-serving statement. The Report believes that the ONLY reason for the vain act was to heed advice she has been getting from Stark County Democratic Party chair Johnnie A. Maier, Jr. (the person who got her to run for the Ohio House in the first place), and Ohio Democratic Party chair Chris Redfern.

Apparently, DeHoff, Maier and Redfern have no regard at all for the basic intelligence of 50th District voters. So this is a case of DeHoff doing exactly what she denies doing: "making a political statement." Insulting conduct like DeHoff's is precisely the sort of thing that gives politicians a bad name with voters.

Another note on the DeHoff campaign. The Report has learned that her opponent Todd Snitcher has had the Columbus-based part of his campaign (most likely the Ohio House Republican Caucus) contact the Fabers in an effort to exploit the hole that the DeHoff campaign has dug for itself with local (Stark County unions).

Redfern and Maier are responsible for DeHoff getting union support at the Ohio level. But she is a "no-go" for local unions.

The "wrap-myself-in-the-chamber-of-commerce-blanket" Snitchler is dreaming if he thinks he is going get any union support. The Report has learned that Snitchler did interview with Teamsters Local #92 earlier in the campaign and flunked with flying colors. And, by the way, at a Green Chamber of Commerce meeting on August 20th, Snitchler did rather timidly tell the group that he is running for state representative.

Note to Jeff Mattews (Stark County Republican Party chair): Be encouraged my friend, perhaps by the end of the campaign Snitcher will be shouting his candidacy from the housetops.

Back to DeHoff. The only thing that DeHoff can count on in this election is that disaffected District 50 Democrats will not be voting for Snitcher. But the bad news? They won't be voting for DeHoff either. Nor will they be contributing to DeHoff's campaign. And, they will not doing any grassroots work for her.

Do you believe DeHoff's statement was non-political?

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