Thursday, October 23, 2008


From today's Repository (an article by Kelli Young):
"Reached after the event, Hagan said he didn't know about the town hall meeting. Event organizers, however, said they received commitments from each candidate and were surprised when Hagan didn't show."
What town hall meeting?

One sponsored by the the Greater Canton Veterans Council along with veterans councils from the Stark County cities of Alliance and Massillon and held at VFW Post 3747.

That STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) checked with a Canton area veteran's official who confirmed that it is "absolutely sure" that John Hagan knew about this event and the sponsoring organizations are clear that they had confirmation that Hagan would be attending.

So why not own up to it and move on? In a race that is as close as this one is (Republican Hagan versus Democrat and Dr. Peter Ferguson), the apparent stonewall by Hagan could be the critical races.

Either Hagan forgot the commitment or thought better of it because the attendees could make a direct comparison between him and Ferguson. Perhaps, a comparison he feared?

As we who follow politicians day-in, day-out, it is very rarely that the act itself gets the politician but the denial and over up.

As the saying goes: "Tis a puzzlement." And, not uncharacteristic of public officials who have convinced themselves they can do no wrong.

The question: Will this flap cost John Hagan the election? Thousands upon thousands of Stark County veterans will learn of this

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