Wednesday, November 26, 2008


American Electric Power (Ohio Power) has a huge advertising budget.

One thing the second largest energy producer did to spend it advertising dollars on was to inform its users that it had requested that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) allow it to increase its residential rates (52%) and commercial/industrial rates (62%).

But Ohio Power did make sure that its friends (e.g. the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce) knew at about the hearing held at Glenwood Middle School in Canton on October 16th.

Ohio Power's friends showed up in spades (mostly economic development folks) at the PUCO hearing. They had been "advertised" to. And, those that owe Ohio Power knew what was expected of them.

We all know that the Bible tells us that in terms of almsgiving that "the right hand should not know what left hand is doing." Well, Ohio Power demonstrates in its lobbying PUCO for its increase that it very much knows that it is a generous giver to various Ohio charities and has prevailed on the donees to now speak up on behalf of the increase. Take a look at the testimonials on the PUCO website.

Undaunted though Stark County government officials, businesses and citzens also showed up on the 16th and spoke against the increase. Others have written letters and continue their work beyond giving testimony, passing resolutions and writing letters to fight the large requested increase.

Recently the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) wrote of the impressive efforts of Plain Township trustee Louis Giavasis on this issue.
Giavaisis' response:
The Commissioners and individuals leaders such as Todd Bosley especially deserve the all of the credit for getting this thing going not me.
His response is typical of the advocates of keeping electric costs manageable for the residents, commerical enterprises and industries of the Ohio Power service area.

As we approach the Thanskgiving holiday, aren't these folks and their community activision something for all of us to be thankful for?

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