Saturday, December 6, 2008


Donna Middaugh, Osnaburg Township trustee, is on a quest: Stop Eslich Environmental, Inc from expanding its C & DD (Construction and Demolition Debris) disposal site currently located in the township.

The township is party to a lawsuit on zoning issues now in the appeals process before Ohio's 5th District Court of Appeals.

But that is not all Osnaburg is doing.

Middaugh summarized the legal maneuverings in this except from a letter to the editor which appeared in The Press-News on November 26th, to wit:
In 2007, the village became part of the Environmental Review Appeals Commission appeal to stop the permit to expand this landfill. The township trustees have a zoning court case and two E.R.A.C. appeals in process.
The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) showed up at the East Canton Village Council meeting of December 1st with camera in hand to record the passion of the opponents who oppose the possiblity that the C & DD would be allowed to expand.

East Canton and Osnaburg citizen-activists showed up in force. The Report applauds these citizens for becoming involved and trying to affect how government actions are implemented on "quality of life" issues in the community in which they live.

In this Part I video, The Report focus on the disagreement on how much expansion could be in the offing. It appears that not even council knows and thus Councilman Collins was successful in his effort to get a vote on the passage of the proposed rezone postponed for now.

It was obvious at the meeting that some council members believe a rezone will curtail any expansion beyond However, township officials and citizens disagree.

Watch the video below and additional videos which will follow this Part I in coming days.

1 comment:

  1. Full expansion of the landfill, as will be allowed by the East Canton Village's new zoning "laws and regulations," will only increase the bad/sickening smells and dirty/constant truck traffic to an unbelieveable level over the many years to come. Also, we are very tired of picking up litter that flys out of those vehicles. East Canton Village Council Members and Mayor McGee: If you are not yet smelling "the sulfur cloud" ----you WILL as expansion increases!!!
    Don't let this happen to our community!!
