Sunday, December 21, 2008


A number of Stark County citizen-activists are mystified as to why Stark County's only countywide newspaper continues to ignore a major issue to many, many Stark Countians.

Yes, it's The Repository that is clearly sitting this one out on the sidelines.

Plain Township trustee Louis Giavasis describes the numbers of interested Stark Countians in this way:
The PUCO has the The Stark County Commissioners, the Communities of Plain, Jackson, Perry, Nimishillan, Lawrence, Lake, Canton, Louisville and North Canton on record against these increases. These communities represent approximately 270,000 residents of Stark County, that is well over 3/4 of our counties total population, I just can not see how the PUCO can ignore that.
But apparently The Repository can ignore the scores of Stark Countians who will be affected by whatever actions the PUCO takes.

The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) says "shame on the powers that be" at The Rep for not siding with the hoi pollio in this fight.

On Saturday, December 20th (yesterday), Louisville citizens Kevin Ellis wrote an e-mail pleading with the "movers and shakers" to weigh-in for the people/businesses of Stark County.

Does The Rep care anything about hard pressed Stark Countians and the financial devastation that the requested AEP/Ohio Power increase would cause day-in, day-out Stark Countians?

1 comment:

  1. Where is the outrage from everyday citizens on this issue, aside from the few that have taken this issue head on with a few letters to the editor, where are those that it will effect the most, the people? Is it because they are not educated about this issue and the effect it will have on them or is because they simply do not care because they think nothing can be done to stop it? Are those that sent letters in opposition doing enough or is this all they can do?
