Friday, February 20, 2009


The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) has confirmed with Adam Herman, Healy administration Communications Director, a tip that Mayor William J. Healy, II has retained legal counsel.

Herman told The Report that the hiring of legal counsel (who Herman could not provide the name of) was for the purpose of tracking down and dealing with the author(s) of the anonymous letters alleging that Healy has had an inappropriate relationship with a 16 year old female.

Herman denied that the attorney-retention had anything to do with Healy defending himself against the allegations.

Does this mean that Healy has given up on the FBI pursuing the anonymous letters?

Communications Director Herman also confirmed Mayor Healy had requested and was granted a meeting with Repository officials and that a reporter would be present. He indicated that whether or not the meeting proves to be a "newsworthy" event, would be up to The Repository.

Earlier today The Repository posted an online story pointing out that Mayor Healy was spotted at the Stark County Sheriff's Department early this morning. However, the story was subsequently pulled by The Rep together with comments on the article. The Report has learned (not from Herman) that the meeting was with Chief Deputy Rick Perez, but does not know what the subject matter of the meeting was.


  1. Question? Why would Mr. Healy need to retain legal council to track down who wrote these letters, the FBI and the Sheriff's department can't accomplish this? This sounds like just another big smoke screen! Does the report really believe this explaination when the FBI and Sheriff are looking into this matter?

  2. Since the letters haven't been made public, we have no idea what the letter writer said? Did s/he just spread stories or did s/he threaten blackmail? Did s/he threaten physical harm?

    The problem isn't in the the FBI's jurisdiction. Who knows about the Sheriff? Since we don't know if a crime has been alleged, we don't know how it's being investigated. Whatever, the investigation seems to be at a standstill.

    I'm not a fan of Healy's, but he has every reason and need to know who sent those letters. It's not unusual for people who can afford to do it, to hire a private investigator or legal counsel. Why would anyone be bothered by that?
