Monday, February 2, 2009


Yes, Repository writer Charita Goshay has "gotten it right" in applying her former boss's sign to the Healy administration.

Her column of yesterday: "Your reputation doesn't just precede you, it also follows you," is apropos to the management style of Canton Mayor William J. Healy, II.

The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) agrees with her wholeheartedly. Healy had the best administrator Canton/Stark County has to offer and he just flatout blew it bigtime in firing service director and chief of staff Tom Bernabei.

If the allegation that the mayor has had an inappropriate relationship with a sixteen year old girl is found to be groundless (which all Cantonians/Stark Countians should be hoping for), and he goes on to serve out his term as mayor, Healy, in firing Bernabei, has crippled himself beyond repair - in terms of moving Canton forward.

But for anyone who knows Healy, it is obvious that he utterly lacks, given his drive for personal political power, the ability "to get out of the way" and thusly "get it right" in turning Canton's fortunes around.

The firing of Tom Bernabei: Bad news for Healy. Even worse news for the city of Canton.

Look out Mayor Healy! A steamroller named "The City of Canton Problem Express" is heading your way.

Oops. The Report needs to back off the warning. Healy will handle this on his own.

After all, there is not a thing in the universe that Superman cannot handle.


  1. This is the talk of the town. I am an employee of Job and Family Services and this is all everyone is talking about. Healy has been the butt of all the jokes. He will never live this down wheter he did it or not. I certainly hope he did not do it...

  2. Healy will be on the Ron Ponder show this Friday. Everyone should listen to it. He is going to be asked to resign!

  3. I sure hope so.
    When he was campaigning, he said he was going to hire citizens of Canton. So he recruited locals to campaign for him. (with perhaps the promise of a job?)Then when shocked by even getting elected, he didn't hire any city residents.
    That should tell you something.

  4. Healy was not shocked at getting elected. He was confident from the day he thrw his hat ring. Criegton was shocked at losing the election. She thought more of herself then the voting public did. She also lost with no grace. First time I ever heard of the loser not congratulating the winner. Creighton has very poor manners. Just an uneducated small town girl with no class.
