Wednesday, February 11, 2009


In less than two years newly elected (16th District) Congressman John Boccieri (D - Alliance) will be facing a referendum on his effectiveness in office. His task is to do enough within this time period to convince voters he is on the right track.

Somehow the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) does not think that saving 20 postal jobs in Canton is going to be very impressive district wide. With the United States Postal Service raising postage from 42 cents to 44 cents in May, it needs to be saving $2.2 million dollars.

One way or another these postal jobs are history. So any success that Boccieri has preserving these jobs will be temporary (a la Regula's success was only temporary),

The time that Boccieri spends to protect these 20 jobs is to take time away from devoting his attention and effort to frying larger fish. Canton and Stark County, Ashland County, Medina County and Wayne County needs hundreds of jobs, indeed, thousands of jobs.

The undue focusing on the Canton postal facility is Boccieri playing to the Editorial Board at The Repository. These editors have determined that the postal jobs are the most important thing for Canton and Stark County. How short-sighted. While it is alright for Boccieri to be paying some attention to this matter; the "some" should be proportional to the jobs involved.

Another thing, too. Boccieri should not fall into the political trap of worrying and fussing about the House Republicans' position on the president's stimulus bill (none of them voted for it) as he was described in a recent Massillon Independent article. Boccieri needs "to keep his eye on the ball" of economic recovery. If the Republicans made a mistake not voting for Obama's bill, then Boccieri can use against his Republican opponent in the 2010 elections.

In short, all this concern about the Republicans is a waste of time and effort and gives rise to the question of whether or not Boccieri is making smart choices on what is time and effort is devoted to.

The good thing that Boccieri has done is his effort to school district constituents on how to take best advantage of the stimulus package. Properly applied, the stimulus could bring the hundreds and thousands of jobs that the 16th needs.

Let's hope that Boccieri figures out soon how to set his priorities to the best advantage of 16th District residents.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. Its 20 jobs for people who are going to work in summit county. They are not actually losing their jobs-they are moving. plus the lost of a postmark saying canton on it. Get over it already.

    Seems to be just a political play to impress the postal union and the rep and such.

  2. the inexperience is starting to show in him and in the President. YIKES!

  3. John is a joke! He will fail miserably and you can take that to the bank.

  4. Johm is a joke? What planet are you living on? This man is the real deal. The only folks that think that way are republicans and the Cirelli's. lol

  5. This guy has zero and I mean zero accomplishments. He sucks up tax money and does nothing. He is a joke and will be beat next time out. He is a real BAD deal!

  6. I must agree Mr. Boccerri needs to get focused on what matters. He is wasting time with 20 jobs that are already gone.
