Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last week our new Congressman John Boccieri issued a "meaningful" press release.

The Canton Repository, to name one local media outlet, picked up on the release and did a nice piece entitled Boccieri kicks off 'Congress on Your Corner' meetings in 16th District/Davies Pharmacy.

The Rep story detailed why, when and where of Boccieri's initiative to connect with his16th District constituents.

The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) applauds Boccieri's connecting with constituents effort.

What we can do without is this piece which appeared in The Alliance review today, to wit:
Boccieri hails Obama for taking control of country in recession.

A week ago or so, a Boccieri press release appeared in the Massillon Independent blasting Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. Not one of them voted for Obama's stimulus package.

The Report sees a disturbing trend with the new congressman: politicizing too much.

The 16th Congressional District is a "swing" district which means that it may not be all that easy for Boccieri to get re-elected in November, 2010. The Report believes his re-electability should depend on "bringing home the bacon" to the 16th and being responsive to the heard concerns of those of us who live in the 16th.

It has to be tempting for Boccieri to ride the Obama popularity express. For Boccieri got elected because Stark Countians, in particular, yearned for a change which Obama and the Democrats campaigned on. But nobody knows whether Obama will be popular or unpopular nearly two years down the road.

Even if Obama remains popular and advantages his political office-holding supporters, "political coattails" is not a good basis for constituents that a candidate be elected upon.

As The Report said above: Boccieri's re-electability should depend on "bringing home the bacon" to the 16th and being responsive to the heard concerns of those of us who live in the 16th.

So, please Congressman Boccieri, leave the press releases praising President Obama to his press secretary - Robert Gibbs.

1 comment:

  1. I never did see/read a follow up report in the Repository in regard to "Congress on your Corner". How many showed up, pic's, sound bites, campaign promises, etc?

    From what I have observed to date, is that Mr. Boccieri is still in the CAMPAIGN mode.

    Interesting ~ I have emailed his office 4 times asking specific questions, and have recieved ZERO responses. I'm wondering what his CURRENT position is on the NAFTA issue, since both Obama and Strickland are now back peddaling faster than the speed of sound on this "hot topic" of the last election period.
