Sunday, March 29, 2009


The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) has learned that North Canton Councilman Pat DeOrio is working with Canton Mayor William J. Healy, II to broker a deal wherey Canton takes over North Canton's building cede inspections.

The work from The Report's source is that so far as the source knows, North Canton City Council is not aware of DeOrio's activities.

DeOrio is one smooth politician. He was once a Republican member of North Canton City Council. Then he switched to becoming a Democrat and subsequently became Stark County Democratic Party chairman Johnnie A. Maier, Jr's candidate for Stark County Commissioner. But he lost to Pete Ferguson in the Democratic primary.

Probably because he did Maier's bidding, DeOrio landed a job with one of the Stark County's Democratic political patronage czars; namely, Phil Giavasis: Canton Municipal Court clerk of courts.

The Report knows of at one North City councilman who loathes Pat DeOrio. The Report suspects that their are others.

The Report doesn't get it.

DeOrio is not universally liked on North Canton City Council and he's trying to broker a "for now" secret deal with big brother to the south which could be viewed by some as a prelude to an eventual Canton takeover of North Canton?

Canton is hugely ambitious these days. The Report thinks Canton sees expansion and annexation as the only way it can survive economically.

Remember the Canton/Jackson annexation deal? Remember the self-described on video Sam "Darth Vader" Sliman who is apparently hellbent on annexing all of the economic productive areas of the county.

Farming out its management skills "for a fee" (a la "let us enforce your building code") is a new avenue of Canton in the survival mode.

The Report believes that Canton Mayor Healy is in the process of dramatically raising fees for most city services as a sort of "secret" raising of taxes.

We know about the Canton parking meter fee and fine increases and the attempt by Mayor Healy to benefit co-incidental campaign contribution benefactor Reflex (through some employee donations) with a city contract to "enhance public safety." Of course, most Cantonians do not buy the "public safety" spin and see it for what it is: a revenue raising measure.

Perhaps Healy is following the lead of his political benefactor Governor Ted Strickland who has raised state of Ohio fees to the tune of $236 million while insisting it is not a tax increase.

Back to DeOrio.

Is there any chance for this man, who has a foot in North Canton and a foot in Canton, to pull off the Canton takeover?

The Report would not necessarily discount such happening because North Canton is vulnerable. North Canton is also mired in a negative into the future financial picture.

Normally, one who gets outed on a Machevellian political move is done for.

Given North Canton's need to economize its government operations, could DeOrio's secret planning behind the backs of Council work?

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