Friday, April 24, 2009


The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) has learned that open warfare has broken out between Canton Mayor William J. Healy and Ward 1 Councilman Greg Hawk.

A few days ago The Report did a blog on Hawk getting a job with Massillon Muny clerk of courts Johnnie A. Maier, Jr.

Did that story strike a cord with the Healy camp?

A TeamHealy member who has called yours truly every name in the book because of the SCPR hard hitting pieces on the Mayor, all of sudden became The Report's best friend?

Not hardly!

This person started feeding the SCPR information about Hawk. Yours truly has been around the block and time or two and for this person and another Healy supporter (Eric Resnick - who gave The Report info about Healy's future legislative agenda and then complained when yours truly wrote about it) to not understand this is interesting.

The Report accepts information from various sources and works hard to be satisfied that the info has substance. Coincidentally, The Report's incisive political analysis may benefit certain political figures. That's today. Tomorrow, if that's where the story leads, may not be so pleasing to these folks.

Both of these two have to get up earlier in the morning to get ahead of The Report.

As The Report has said about Healy, he is one of the most opportunistic/manipulative politician yours truly has ever been around. That's why the SCPR did a blog with a character laughing vigorously at the thought that William J. Healy offering a "true" ethics reform package. The Report has opinionated that Healy is politically amoral and only thinks about his own skin in his political machinations.

Many times over, The Report has said that Healy thinks he is smarter than the rest of the world (and certainly the likes of Tom Bernabei, Allan Schulman and Bill Smuckler) and contemptuously toys with them, The Report, The Repository and others (in his own mind).

Now it turns out that Healy is ratcheting up his political game.

One of Healy's most bitter political enemies in Canton Ward 1 Councilman Greg Hawk.

Hawk has an opponent in the upcoming May primary: Robert Harper. The SCPR has learned that Healy has directed his political assets to go all out for Harper in the Democratic primary (Harper was a Republican according to Stark County Board of Election records as late as May, 2005).

And that is Healy's perfect right.

Moreover, the Healy supporter source complains that Hawk was originally Healy friendly, although the Healyite claims that Hawk publicly says he voted for Republican Janet Creighton in 2007, but is to be chastised for questioning Healy et al during the city budget considerations. Really? Councilman Hawk is disloyal because he does his job as a councilman?

What happened next is what should disturb Stark County law enforcement officials and Cantonian citizens.

At a recent area function in which local "celebrity" figures (political, civic and whatever), Mayor Healy made a very serious hearsay (hearsay in that it had been passed onto Healy - according to Healy - by a knowledgeable woman) allegation about a Hawk family member to a group of attendees and alleged drug activities in the Hawk home

But get this?

Healy makes it known this group of people at the celebrity event that he (Mr. Let Me Propose Ethics Reform for Canton) that he's not going to the police with the allegations.

That's Healy's ethics for you.

What an outrage!!!

Hawks reaction? Quite understandable. Four letter words were flying all over the place hurled in Healy's direction.

The more that the STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT digs into how Healy operates and his false notion that nobody in Canton or Stark County or maybe even the world is sharp as "hizzoner," the more The Report is convinced that governing Canton in a constructive, productive and helpful way is not Healy's primary agenda.

No, not at all!

As far as the SCPR is concerned, Healy is all about Healy!!!!

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