Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Prominent Stark County attorney and 2004 Republican Stark County prosecutor candidate Jeff Jakmides some time ago got perturbed with Stark County commissioner Todd Bosley over some statements Bosley made in WHBC's Ron Ponder show about the "one of the worst in the country" quality of Stark's 9-1-1 system.

Of course, Bosley was and very likely will continue to use "stark" descriptions of the condition of 9-1-1 to sell voters on rejecting the repeal effort of the Stark Citizens for the Right to Vote Committee. The group conducted an impressively successful petition drive to place the repeal question on the November ballot.

Within the past week or so, the SCPR has spoken with both Bosley and Jakmides about the likelihood of the repeal being approved.

Naturally, Bosley is against repeal. Moreover, he believes the openly avowed supporters of keeping the increase can prevail.

Jakmides? He's undecided. So he says.

When The Report passed this information onto Bosley, he wasn't buying Jakimedes declaration of "mulling it over."

Jakmides owned up to having had several contacts with the Right to Voters since they started their petition drive. One was to offer them space in a vacant area of his office complex in Alliance to collect signatures. Accordingly to Jeff, they never took him up on his offer.

Jakmides also admitted to attending one of the group's meetings to learn more about why they were seeking repeal.

But he denied to yours truly that he a "man behind the scenes" person that Bosley thinks he is. A source (who is in a position to know) confirms that Jakimedes is not one of the "let me be anonymous" heavy hitter supporters of the group.

In fact, Jakimedes told the SCPR that he is genuinely torn between voting for or voting against the repeal. He cited his work in the Stark County courts and his awareness of their need for funds (from the general fund part of the tax increase) and he knows first hand how efficiently the courts use taxpayer money.

The SCPR chooses to take Jakimedes at his word.

He may be indicative of a lot of Stark County voters.

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