Sunday, September 13, 2009


Here is a blub from Wikipedia about Johnny Appleseed:
Johnny Appleseed, born John Chapman (September 26, 1774 – February 18, 1845), was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.   He became a legend while still alive, largely because of his kind and generous ways, his great leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance of apples.

He was also a missionary for the  ... Swedenborgian Church, so named because it teaches the theological doctrines contained in the writings of Emanuel Swendenborg.  
Why would the SCPR open with a short bio of Johnny Appleseed in doing a blog about a local controversy involving the Lake having put reference to God in its Mission/Beliefs/Values statement?

Because, maybe just maybe, Stark County may have come on the identity of a educator who might view himself as a sort of missionary to plant a reference to God into the mission statements of Stark County school districts.

Really?  Who might that be?

Okay, you have twisted my arm and I can't bear the pain anymore.  I will tell you Mr. Blog Reader who I think "might" be Stark educator/missionary out to plant a reference to God in the mission statement of Stark County schools.

Here is a brief bio (education - only) of the SCPR's candidate for being God's missionary in the Stark County schools:
Executive Liaison, Ohio Department of Education (2007-08); Superintendent, Lake Local Schools (1996-2007); Curriculum Consultant, Educational Service Center, Stark County (1995-96); Principal, Louisville High School (1986-95); Unit Principal, Stow High School (1979-85) (The Massillon Independent,  NORTHWEST ENDS SEARCH FOR SUPER:  District hires Wiliam Stetler 5 days after Lambes' resignation, Michael Freeze, June 22, 2008)
 Okay, the "cat is out of the bag."

Yes, the SCPR believes that William Stetler (formerly of Lake, then Louisville and now of the Northwest schools) and who the SCPR knows to be a very devout and religious person, could be out busily playing Johnny Appleseed doing the Stark County schools the wonderful service of giving God his due honor in Stark County education.

Like Appleseed, Stetler could be well on his way "to becoming a legend in his own time."  Did he have anything to do with the "church" in Louisville's mission statement?  Did he have anything to do with the "God" reference in Lake mission statement?  If so, is Northwest next?

In the way of a DISCLAIMER (something you will never see in The Repository), The Report knows Stetler from the days yours truly's spouse served on the Lake Board.  Moreover, she is currently an elected member of the Stark County Educational Service Center board.

The SCPR can see the possibility that Stetler could be a candidate to succeed Larry Morgan as superintendent at the Stark County Educational Service Center (SCESC - formerly the Stark County Board of Education), if and when Morgan decides to retire.  A new opportunity for Stetler?

If the SCPR right about Stetler, he could, like Appleseed, be well on his way to becoming a "legend in his own time.

So far in the SCPR survey of Stark County school districts, only Lake and Louisville have a direct/indirect reference to God.

While this blog is published on both the Stark County Political Report and the Stark Education Report, the best place to keep track of which school districts do or do not have any kind of reference to God in their mission statements is at the Stark Education Report.

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