Monday, November 16, 2009



Jason Wise, the grandson of a former Republican mayor of Canton, is probably the most active Republican in all of Stark County.

The SCPR says "Republican," but is it accurate to say so in terms of commitment to the Stark Republican Party?

All one has to do is to Google "Jason Wise" and all of kinds hits bombard the googler on Stark County's very own:  Jason Wise.

But a great deal of the hits have to do with "Stark 912 Patriots," and "Tea Party Patriot," or "Tea Party Organizer/Canton."

Relatively little about his involvement with the Stark County Republican Party.

However, yours truly is told by Republicans, in a position to know, that Wise is involved with the Stark GOP.

But to what degree?

If one searches Wise's name of the Federal Election Commission website, there is a connection to the Stark Republican Party to be found.  Wise, on September 29, 2009, sent (as right wing talk radio host and 16th District congressional candidate/Republican Paul Schiffer puts it) a $250 donation to "establishment Republican Jim Renacci.


On the other hand, Wise is the organizer of the Canton Tea Party and the assistant organizer of the Stark 912 Patriot group (the 912 - the 9/11 to D.C. on 9/12 movement was put together by Glenn Beck of Fox News).

Paul Schiffer says that Beck's 912 project is squarely behind his candidacy and states his case for being elected 16th District congressman can be found in frequent plugs by Beck on his radio program.  Schiffer and his campaign advisers are trying to get Schiffer a spot on Beck's TV program as well as the radio program.

So if Schiffer is anti-establishment Republican (as he says he is) and stakes his election chances on his connection to the "912 Patriots," where does that leave Wise?

The SCPR believes that Wise is being a political waffler.

He has to be thrilled as Stark's  "912 Patriot" second-in-command guy and as a "Tea Bagger" that Schiffer is in the race.  Yet he gives money to the Schiffer's arch-political enemy:  Renacci.  


It appears he is trying to play it both ways.

Perhaps he is trying to make the organized Stark County Political Party indistinguishable from the "912 Party" and the "Tea Bagger" movement?

Paul Schiffer says he "will win" the Republican primary on May 4, 2010.

The SCPR's question is this.

Will it be with or without Jason Wise being on board?

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