Tuesday, December 15, 2009


UPDATE:  12/15/2009  4:00 PM

President Daryl Revoldt of North Canton City Council contacted the SCPR relative to that part of the orignal SCPR blog (see below) dealing with a source telling the SCPR that he and Mayor Held were so acrimonious with each other that they had resorted to "screaming" at each other.

Moreover, Revoldt expressed a desire to reiterate why he refused to recognize citizen activist Chuck Osborne when he tried to speak in late November about the "street sweepings" disposal issue.

On the "screaming:"  Revoldt denies that he and Held have such conversations.  Obviously, they have had exchanges, he says, but that they civil and courteous.

On the Osborne matter:  Revoldt says that he did not recognize Osborne on the advice of legal counsel because of a concern that city officials would react to Osborne's points.  Revoldt says he respects and honors "free speech rights," and repeated that he was merely following the advice of legal counsel.


And you thought the fuss in North Canton was only about the dumping of "street sweepings" by the city at a site on Freedom Avenue in Jackson Township?

Turns out that the "street sweepings" problem is only one of many problems surfacing these days in the "Dogwood" city or shall we rename North Canton "River City" a la  "there's trouble in River City - The Music Man."

The troubles in North Canton are mounting faster than "a speeding bullet."

The two main players:  Mayor David Held and Council president Daryl Revoldt.

They are singing alright, but not a harmony.  Rather it is disharmony that is emanating from city hall.

Not long ago Council failed to renew the contract of legal counsel Randy McFarren.

Some Council members are unhappy with city adminstrator Earle Wise and are putting pressure on Held to relieve him.

Of course, there is the "street sweepings" problem that community activist Chuck Osborne is speaking out about, if allowed.

Well, he was finally allowed by President Daryl Revoldt to speak last night, but Osborne was shut down back in late November when he first tried to read his prepared remarks. 

City Council had three executive sessions last night.

So, what is the news in that?

David Held was excluded from the session which according to the agenda of Council meeting was "for the purpose of discussing imminent litigation and personnel matters."

Held was hopping mad about the exclusion.  And, he and Revoldt had words about it.

A source tells, the SCPR that Held and Revoldt have had a number screaming bouts in recent times over various City Hall matters.  So, indeed, there is "trouble in River err Dogwood City!"

A recent biggie that has city officials in a dither is a letter or letters that Mayor David Held has generated fingering a sitting council member as engaging in harassing and discriminatory conduct.  A source close to the councilman says that the Held accusations are bogus and are a total overreaction to innocent conduct.

The SCPR has asked for a copy of the letter(s) of the administration as a pubic record, but has been denied on the request.

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