Friday, December 11, 2009


To hear Mayor Healy tell it, his troubles in administrating the city of Canton have been tied to a Canton/Stark County "good ole boys" network which was resisting Healy's campaign promised "change."

Could it be that Healy is wearing down in his fight for change?

A source tells the SCPR that some of the "good ole boys" are trying to ease Healy out with a lure.

What lure?

Well, Steve Meeks is stepping down as Governor Strickland's Region 9 director, to presumptively take the appointment of the Stark County Democratic Party Central Committee as the successor to recently resigned (12/01/2009) commissioner Tom Harmon.

The Report has been told that "the boys" have been talking to Healy about this face saving move.  And, apparently, Healy is thinking it over.

The SCPR is skeptical that Healy will bite.  He likes the limelight too much to take on an low profile position in which he is not his own boss. 

But it would be good for him, for Canton, and, indeed, all of Stark County if he did.

If he doesn't, then there is likely to be a political bloodbath fight in the Democratic primary come 2011.

Stark County Democratic Party chairman Randy Gonzalez can not be happy with the prospect of a intraparty fight over the mayoralty of Canton.

Healy has already been involved on one such fight with Councilman-at-large Bill Smuckler in 2003, which Healy lost.  Many Democrats believe that Healy then sat on his hands - at the very least - and watched Smuckler go down to defeat in heavily Democratic Canton.

A Democratic mayoralty fight in 2011 could produce the same sort of scenario for Stark Republicans to slip in a candidate to take advantage of a divided Stark Democratic Party.

If the SCPR's source is correct, Healy has at the most until Tuesday to decide.  For on Wednesday, December 16, 2009; it will be Commissioner Steve Meeks; not Region 9 Director Steve Meeks.

Undoubtedly, the Strickland administration has many interested takers.

If Healy wants a face savings exit strategy - this is his chance.

But will he allow the "good ole boys" to win?

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