Monday, January 4, 2010


Democrats in Medina County of all places are up in arms about Congressman John Boccieri's "anti-the-people" stance on the national health care bill which is now in conference between the U.S. House and U.S. Senate.

Perhaps Boccieri had better pay close attention to a blog done on December 31st by the Medina County Democratic Action Committee (MCDAC) castigating him for his waffling (to be kind) on whether or not he will support final passage of the bill.

CLICK HERE to link to the MCDAC blog.

Clearly, they are unhappy with Boccieri with his evasive, seemingly anti-everyday-person stance on the imminent federal legislaqtion.

The MCDAC folks figure they delivered Medina County to him in November, 2008.  But will they work for him in this year's election?

Maybe not.  However, they are not likely to support a Republican.  What they might do is sit on their hands.

John Boccieri owes his political existence to organized labor.  The unions walked the precincts for Boccieri and provided ample campaign funds to him when they prevailed on him to run against the virulently anti-union and Republican Ron Hood who, at the time, lived in Alliance.

The AFL-CIO is on record as supporting health care reform and is on record as saying that any Democrat that does not support the President Obama on this issue will not get any support from organized labor.

Again, it is unlikely that the national, state or local unions will support the Republican nominee that comes out of the May, 2010 Republican primary, but will they be less than enthusiastic in their support for Boccieri.

The SCPR believes that Boccieri could be creating "the perfect political storm" that could retire him from the U.S. House of Representatives after a single term.

Stark County Republican Party chairman Jeff Matthews spearheaded an effort among the Stark, Medina and Wayne county chairmen to support former Wadsworth mayor and car dealer Jim Renacci in a united effort to defeat Boccieri and reclaim the 16th congressional district that had, before Boccieri, been held by Republicans for decades.

The Ashland Republican chairman did not vote to support Renacci, but undoubtedly will if favorite son Matt Miller once again loses in the Republican primary.

With his political enemies lining up against him, Boccieri can ill-afford Democrats and Democratic supporting organized labor to be sitting on their collective hands during the run up to November's election.

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