Sunday, January 17, 2010


UPDATE 01/17/2010 AT 09:30 AM



Stark County Republican Party chairman Jeff Matthews (deputy director of the Stark County Board of Elections (BOE)" - how do you like that for a "confilict in interest," had it all set up.

He (the SCPR believes) worked with former Stark County Replublcan chairman Curt Braden to go "low profile" in informing members of the Stark County Republican Party executive committee that there is an election coming up for Braden's seat on the Stark County BOE.

Only on Thursday did Matthews get out an email to party executive committee members informing them of the the election to be held next Tuesday.

The post pays almost $20,000 of Stark County taxpayer dollars which apparently is being withheld (via the "last minute bums rush political procedure) by Braden and Matthews from the Republican general public.  This analysis sounds somewhat familiar coming from the SCPR doesn't it?

No doubt, Republicans like Braden smugly enjoy it when The Report criticizes the Stark Democratic Party and Democratic officeholders for setting aside public jobs for poltical insiders.

Well, Mr. Braden what is the Braden/Matthews operation but the same kind of operation that the Democrats do.  Hmm?

And there is no doubt that were Republicans in control of countywide government, the Matthews led regime would be using taxpayer money to warehouse their political loyalists and workers ion the public's dime.

The Bradens of party politics is why more and more everyday citizens are disassociating themselves from the formal organization of either party.

The SCPR is told by well placed party sources that Braden is now scrambling to retain his seat on the BOE.

His campaign?

You will love this.

First, to ensure that elections are fair for Republicans, and

Second, to fight Acorn (a group that Republicans thinks works hand-in-glove with Democrat organizations and candidates).

Fair for Republicans?  Hey, Curt, how about fair for everybody?

The Report is told that a female candidate (anti-Bradens say this is an opportunity to inject diversity into the BOE)  is surfacing to run against Braden this coming Tuesday, but yours truly is not being told the name of the lady.

Why not?

Probably because there is resistance by the person considering a run.

Why is she resisting?

Because if she enters the race and loses, she will have to deal with Braden and Matthews post-election.

Some Republicans are telling the SCPR they would like to see Janet Creighton run for the seat and to become Stark County Republican chairperson.

When The Report talked with Janet a few weeks ago, she refused to weigh-in on the Matthews quality of  leadership question that the SCPR posed to her.

To The Report, the refusal to weigh-in might be a clue in and of itself about Matthews hold on his job.

One final comment.

The SCPR doubts that Braden will  be denied re-election if he really, really wants it.  Most of the executive committee folds are hard core party establishment types who would have an awfully hard time voting against the former chairman.

But how about all those election losses at the end of the Braden chairmanship era going into the Matthews reign?  How about the opportunity that the Democrats are presenting Repubicans on countywide office this time around (the November, 2010 election)?

Based on what he has done, wouldn't one expect Matthews to blow the 2010 opportunity?

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