Friday, May 21, 2010


UPDATED:  05/21/2010 AT NOON
SCTA June Meeting Update

Friday, May 21, 2010 10:17 AM

"Martin Olson" <>


Good morning.  Here is an update on the SCTA's June meeting.

At the SCTA's May meeting last night (the first meeting since the potential debate arose), I met with the members of our Board.  We discussed the debate/program that was being proposed.  At the end of the discussion, it was a unanimous decision of the Board that the SCTA not host a debate for the 50th House District at our June meeting.

Some of the reasons behind the decision were; we have not previously hosted a political debate, hosting debates at our meetings is not what our organization was chartered to do and some members felt that SCTA monthly business meetings were not a proper forum for political debates.

I announced the decision of the Board to the SCTA members present at last night's meeting and explained the reasons behind it.  After I made the announcement regarding the June meeting, I opened the floor for old and new business/comments and no one spoke up either in favor or against the decision not to host the debate.

Unfortunately, no one from Nimishillen Township was present at our meeting last night, so I had to leave a message about the decision on Trustee Lynch's cell phone last night.  I also spoke with both Todd Bosley and Todd Snitchler regarding our decision.

I still personally feel that the SCTA can be an excellent vehicle for hosting political discussion and debate, especially with officials and candidates that will have a direct impact on issues relating to our members...but these debates should probably take place at a stand alone event and not as part of our normal monthly business meeting of the association.


Chris Nichols
President, SCTA


It is unprecedented!  A debate for an election that is not to occur until November 2nd.

Chris Nichols, who is a Canton Township trustee (a Republican), has confirmed with the SCPR that it looks like the debate is indeed a go:  Here is how Nichols describes the likelihood of the debate going forward:
As things stand now, the Stark County Township Association (SCTA) will be hosting this debate at our June meeting.  
... .
I have spoken with both candidates and Mr. Lynch and will be meeting with Trustee Lynch [of Nimishillen Township] within the next week to discuss moderation, format, location, etc.
As I mentioned in my earlier email, this meeting is being hosted by Nimishillen Township, but it is the meeting and program of the Stark County Township Association and I want to ensure that the format, moderation and presentation represents the Candidates, the SCTA and our members at the highest level of professionalism and fairness.  
... .
The Snitchler/Bosley race is no ordinary political contest.

The Report believes whomever wins this election could determine which political party controls the Ohio House of Representatives come January, 2011.

At least one Stark County Republican, Travis Secrest - Stark County GOP executive director and opponent to Democrat Stephen Slesnick in the 52nd House District, disagrees with The Report.

Secrest predicts that the Republicans will win 10 or more seats than the Democrats in November.  He even says that he will defeat Slesnick in the lopsided Democratic registration plurality 52nd.

If he does, it will be a major political upset, perhaps; the biggest in the entire Buckeye state.

Keep in mind, Secrest is the executive director of the Stark County Republican Party.

The Report has always liked Secrest as an up and coming articulate Young Republican and thinks he could be a improvement over the lackadaisical, inarticulate and uncommunicative (to media who ask tough questions such as the SCPR) Slesnick.

His commissioner campaign against Democrat Tom Harmon was impressive in terms of publishing a detailed agenda spelling out what a Secrest election would mean for Stark Countians.

But maybe not.  Has being executive director of the Stark GOP (about two months now) taken a toll on his reality index?  It would be a shame for such a promising young Republican to get caught up in the Braden/Matthews model of politics.
The Report trusts that Secrest will return to political sanity soon!

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