Tuesday, May 25, 2010


As readers will note, very little of what is introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives gets passed by the House much less passed by the Senate and signed into law by Governor Strickland.

Along the way, legislators such as Todd Snitchler (Republican - Lake) attach their names as sponsors and co-sponsors of bill which have no chance of passage and many of which are a waste of legislative resources.

From the graphic above, only four of the ten covered in this Part 2 of Representative Snitchler's work in the Ohio General Assembly have seen the light of day in any way, shape or form.

Here is a report of the six bills co-sponsored by Snitchler which languish in committee:

HB 120
Primary Sponsor(s):  Batchelder 
Subject:  Legislative Budget Committee/Legislative Budget Office of LSC-establish
HB 123
Primary Sponsor(s):  Goyal & Mandel
Subject:  Income tax credit-degrees in science/ technology/engineering/math-based

Primary Sponsor(s):  Adams J 
Subject:  Concealed carry handgun law-revise

Primary Sponsor(s):  Grossman 
Subject:  Income tax credit-100%-have baccalaureate degree and reside in Ohio

Primary Sponsor(s):  Sayre 
Subject:  Special Olympics license plates-create

Primary Sponsor(s):  Koziura 
Subject:  Education appropriations-enact separately from and before other appropriations

Two of Snitchler's co-sponsored bills merit special mention.

HB 129 (Concealed Carry)

A sister piece of legislation being voted upon in committee in the Ohio Senate tomorrow (May 26) is described this way by the Ohio Concealed Carry website:
... [W]ould eliminate the current confusing standards of carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle.  In addition, the proposal would also allow permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense in a restaurant that serves alcohol, provided they are not consuming, thus eliminating another “victim zone” in Ohio.

Current law specifies that a firearm must be either be: 

1.) In a holster secured on the person.
2.) In a closed case, bag, box, or other container that is in plain sight and that has a lid, a cover, or a closing mechanism with a zipper, snap, or buckle, which must be opened for a person to gain access to the handgun. 

3.) The loaded handgun is securely encased by being stored in a closed glove compartment or center console, or in a case that is locked. A locked case does not need to be in plain sight (an unlocked case does).
HB 160 (Educational Appropriations)

This bill appears to be a rework of the perennial effort by Kirk Schuiring (Republican - 29th - Senate) to give public education first funding status.

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