Monday, August 23, 2010


 REVISED & REPUBLISHED 08/24/2010 AT 7:30 AM

As Stark County commissioners were going through the process of passing a resolution at their August 18th meeting setting up a meeting to consider removing the then Stark County Treasurer Gary D. Zeigler from office, County Administrator Mike Hanke reminded commissioners that this would be their third attempt. 

Always quick with the wit, Commissioner Todd Bosley, instantly responded with "the third time in the charm, right?"

They set the meeting for yesterday (the 23rd) at 1:30 PM.

A number of well placed Stark County attorneys were letting it be known that they believed that Geauga County Common Pleas Judge (retired) H.F. Inderlied, Jr would grant either a continued TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) or a PI (Preliminary Injunction).

However, he surprised legal observers in mid-morning by announcing that he would not be staying the commissioners on the scheduled Ohio Revised Code Section 321.38 hearing and more importantly he found the statute to be constitutional as applied by the commissioners under Article 2, Clause 38 of the Ohio Constitution.

The Stark County Political Report believes that today would not have happened without the efforts of Canton attorney and civic activist Craig T. Conley.

Conley appears one factor Zeigler had not calculated upon as being a key to overcome in his quest to stay in office.

A SCPR tip-of-the-hat to Craig T. Conley.

Zeigler's removal now clears the way, in the opinion of the SCPR, for Stark County government to begin its recovery from a very trying time.

A key to recovery is the person who is appointed by the Stark County Democratic Party Central Committee to replace Zeigler.

The person in the judgment of the SCPR who is ideally suited to replace Zeigler is Canton Auditor top level employee Gary Young.  The Report is told that he is not interested.

Who could blame him?

However, he is the person for the job.

Last week in a discussion with former Canton mayor Janet Creighton (now running for county commissioner against Steve Meeks), she said that she agreed with yours truly that he is a person of impeccable character who would serve effectively as county treasurer.

Stark Democrats should go to Young and prevail upon him to accept an appointment.  He has the character to serve as a model for all other public officials.  Party officials should press upon Young that he could do a huge public service in changing his mind and accepting the appointment.

The last thing Stark County needs is a partisan battle over who takes over (in the longer term) as the new Stark County treasurer.

Here is the video of the commissioners' action.

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