Thursday, August 12, 2010


It is interesting what political candidates will do "under the pressure of the moment."

The SCPR's take on Bosley and Snitchler is that both "for appearances sake" made statements under questioning by Ron Ponder of "Points to Ponder,"  WHBC-AM1480 in their July 28th radio debate that belie their true positions.

For instance in the video that accompanies this blog each takes a turn distancing from their political party's top national guy.  With Bosley, of course, this is President Obama.  With Snitchler, less obviously, it was the 2008 GOP national standard bearer John McCain.  The appearance?  "I can critique my side's leadership."  But can they, really?

On to the next topic of the debate.

The accomplishments of each candidate.

The Report's take on them.

Both are thin indeed.

Republican Snitchler had to piggyback his HB 77 (conceal personal information of Federal law enforcement officers) on to a Democrat Representative Kathleen Chandler (Portage County) sponsored bill.  This, he says, is an example of his ability to work bipartisan.  Really?  And that is Snitchler's lone success in his first (and, perhaps, only) two year term.

Democrat Todd Bosley was practically as desperate.  One of his achievements he talks about being his most "fun" accomplishment is his work on Solid Waste District (includes Stark, Wayne and Tuscarawas Counties) recycling.  He really stretches when he claims that his Solid Waste work is an indication of his ability to work bi-partisan.  Most of the commissioners members of the Solid Waste Board (i.e. Tuscarawas and Wayne) are Republican.

Bosley does have a stronger claim on his 9-1-1 work.  He has been pushing this issue since his days as Nimishillen Township trustee.  However, he "borrowed" it from Nimishillen Township Fire Chief Rich Peterson.

Here is the video of each speaking for himself.

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