Monday, September 20, 2010


On September 20, 2010 Kenneth Koher was nominated by Stark County Democrats to be the party's selection as interim treasurer to replace the person (Jaime Allbritain) appointed on August 23rd as provided for in Ohio law.

Koher was also selected by Stark's organized Democrats to run to fill the remainder of the term of former Stark County Treasurer Gary D. Zeigler who, of course, was removed by Stark County commissioners on August 23rd.

Earlier this morning he was sworn in as the interim Stark County treasurer.

Here is a video of Koher being sworn in by Stark County Clerk of Courts Nancy Reinbold

Koher will have to stand for election on November 2nd against Republican nominee Alex Zumbar (North Canton finance director).

Commissioners acted under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 321.38 to remove Zeigler.

Zeigler was not implicated in the theft from the Stark County treasury of what is believed to be about $2.96 million by former chief deputy Vince Frustaci while in the employment of the treasury.  However, on filing of litigation to recover funds under ORC 321.37, the commissioners had the option to remove Zeigler.  Zeigler is seeking reinstatement to the job in a case currently filed with the 5th District Court of Appeals (which sits in Canton) and with the Ohio Supreme Court.

In selecting Koher (the Democrats) and Zumbar (the Republicans) Stark Countians will, in the opinion of the SCPR, be in good stead no matter which nominee is elected.

The Report believes that Zumbar has the stronger political credentials which may turn out to be a liability in the current "anti-incumbent, anti-politically connected" world.  He has served as an elected official in Alliance as the city's auditor and his brother is the elected law director of Alliance.  His brother is also a Republican.  The Zumbars are closely allied with Stark County Common Pleas Judge Charles Brown who formerly served as the Stark County Republican chairman when the Republicans were dominate in Stark County.

Koher seems to have been virtually non-political however he just severed ties with his former employer - the State of Ohio - which took a gubernatorial appointment by Democratic Governor Ted Strickland.

Moreover, Koher was openly endorsed by former Stark County Democratic Party chairman Johnnie A. Maier, Jr.

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