Saturday, November 6, 2010


John Boccieri was in no mood to discuss his future political plans on Tuesday night at about 11:30 p.m . after he had conceded to Republican Jim Renacci, but make no mistake about it there will be a Boccieri/Rematch in 2012.

Word is now spreading that U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to return in 2011 to be the minority leader of the House as the leader of the Democrats and it appears that she is bent on bringing the likes of 16th District Congressman John Boccieri back in November, 2012.

A frustrating thing for the Democrats was their inability to convince voters that they achieved some very significant legislative milestones in two short years.  The temperament of Americans these days is to expect results in a minute and a turnaround on a dime, however, unrealistic such expectations are.

Republicans will face the same phenomenon in two years when congressmen and congresswomen have to run for reelection.  Moreover, the likes of Oelslger, Schuring and Snitchler will be in the same position at the state level.

The expression is "what comes around, goes around."  And Jim Renacci, who The Report believes participated in and rode in on a Republican wave founded on tying Boccieri to Pelosi and Obama which, for the time being, Republicans successfully have cast as being negative, will likely have the same thing done to him come 2012.

Democrats will seize on particular national Republicans (e.g. John Boehner) who say and do things that can be be distorted and twisted into a sustained public negative perception to be hung around the necks of the likes of Renacci.

It was unfair for Renacci to do what was done to Boccieri in 2010 and it will be unfair for Boccieri to return the favor in 2010, but he will.

Though, as can be seen from the press conference video which accompanies this blog, Congressman Boccieri is not prepared to talk about his 2012 plans, the SCPR has no doubt whatsoever that there will be a revisitation of  Boccieri versus Renacci.

1 comment:

  1. Boccieri lost because he moved too far to the left, and also drank the Pelosi "kool-aid" rather then truly represent the 16th Congressional District.
