Monday, January 31, 2011


Apparently, at a recent meeting of Stark County's elected officials (this past Friday at the Athens Restaurant) rather than focus on ways and means to implement the will of the people of Stark County on November 3, 2009; some county officials are leading a fight to go back again to Stark's taxpayers for an increase in the county sales tax.

 Who is the chief "non-hearing" public official?  Well, Prosecutor John Ferrero seems to be the guy (see Stark elected officials to pay for sales tax poll, Kelli Young, The Repository, January 28, 2011).

Go figure!

The man who balanced his 2010 budget on a "hope and a prayer," and had to borrow money from commissioners to do so and who was the liaison between office holders and the Citizens Review Committee appears to be the driving force to convince Stark County taxpayers to increase the county sales tax.

Maybe, just maybe, Mister Fererro ought to give austerity (i.e. the Citizens Review Committee's recommendations plus some) a chance, first?

That county officials are willing to dip into their own pockets should tell Stark County taxpayers a lot.

They are refusing to get the message (63% to 36%) that office holders implement fully county government austerity measures and "we the public" will determine whether or not we can live with them.

Any move to increase the sales tax should come from the voting Stark County public; not from county office holders.

The "let's do a poll crowd" of county officials are not getting the message of November 3, 2009.

Of course, we all know that their leader John Ferrero is an artisan of wishful thinking!

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