Monday, May 2, 2011


Now that Republican Congressman Jim Renacci (Ohio's 16th District) has a record to defend, it appears that the man he defeated in November, 2010 is gearing up to run against him to regain a seat in Congress.

It likely will not be exactly the same seat he held from 2008 through the end of 2009 but what difference does that make.  After all, he did not live in the 16th when he decided to run for the seat in 2007.  So what if the new district does not include Alliance where he lives now and is not even designated #16 due to redistricting which is to take place soon.  Neither is relevant to whether or not he runs again.

What matters is:   does Boccieri have a political killing issue that he can work Renacci over on like the current congressman did (remember:  voted 94% with Nancy Pelosi, Cap 'n Trade, Healthcare, et cetera) when he defeated Boccieri.

Boccieri did not do all that bad in Stark County in 2010 in a bad for a Democrat election year.  It was the Republican strongholds Ashland, Medina and Wayne that made Renacci a landslide winner.

It's hard to see that redistricting won't improve his chances in a re-run.  Who knows maybe the 16th or whatever number it has will veer north (Summit, Portage) or east (Mahonning, Columbiana) while maintaining Renacci's hometown of Wadsworth in the eastern part of Medina County?

Over a little over four months into his term, Renacci has already saddled himself with a potentially devastating issue to defend himself against any Democrat running against him.  He voted for Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan's budget bill which takes on the widely popular Medicare program.  Ryan wants to end Medicare "as we know it" with a favorite Republican tactic:  vouchers.  Having voted for the Ryan budget plan; Rennaci now owns it.  Just as Boccieri owned the bills he voted for no matter what his explanations were for voting for them in accordance with then Speaker Pelosi's wishes.

Renacci, of course, has a Pelosi problem of his own.  As far as the SCPR can ascertain, he has voted 100% in accordance with the wishes of Republican Speaker John Boehner.

Bocccieri appears to beginning his rematch trek on a high note.

News broke late last night with an announcement by President Obama that American military forces had found and killed (in a firefight) Al Qaeda head Osama Bin Laden early Sunday morning in Paskistan.

At 1:34 a.m. this morning, yours truly received an e-mail from the Boccieri camp with a press release attached, to wit:
Former Congressman John Boccieri Issues Statement Regarding Successful Military Action Resulting in Death of Osama Bin Laden
Alliance, Ohio Tonight President Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden was killed as a result of United States Military action in Pakistan:

“After nearly a decade of escape, Osama Bin Laden can no longer flee justice,” Former Congressman Boccieri stated. “Brave members of the U.S. military brought an end to this evil and dark chapter and delivered justice to the thousands of families who lost loved ones at the hands of the Al Qaeda mastermind.

“President Barack Obama’s decision to strike at the heart of Al Qaeda and kill its leader is a huge morale boost for the thousands of troops who’ve spent countless deployments away from our country in his pursuit.  Our prayers remain with the families of the brave Americans who gave their life for the completion of this mission

“While America must remain vigilant against further acts of terrorism; the death of Osama Bin Laden clearly dismantles an organized effort to spread terror across the globe.

“Let the completion of this mission be a warning that the United States will not rest when our country is threatened.

Undoubtedly, this event will have an immediate impact on Obama's popularity with the American electorate and Boccieri, being a United States Air Force Reserve Officer who has flown C-130's in and out of Afghanistan and Iraq, stands to benefit politically.

That Boccieri seized on the good news so quickly should be a clear signal to the Renacci folks that Boccieri plans to regain his seat in Congress.

It appears to the SCPR that a Boccieri/Renacci rematch is clearly in the offing.

The Republican tide that swept Renacci into office will be a distant memory come November, 2012.  And, being a presidential year, there will be a lot more Democrats voting.

An interesting observation on Renacci is whether he will begin to separate from the likes of Boehner and Ryan while he still has time or will he choose to remain the party loyalist?

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