Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It was amazing to see:  Canton City Council President Allen Schulman (council meeting of June 6th) defending Mayor William J. Healy, II!

The Stark County Political Report believes that Schulman (who at one time was rumored to be considering a run against Healy) has concluded that Healy is going to be mayor of Canton for another term - and being the political pragmatist he is - has determined that he is going to find a way to work with Healy to make him, Canton and the "all but Butterworth" Council look as good as they possibly can.

It was a devastating blow to Healy challenger Bill Smuckler when Schulman decided to head to the sidelines for the Healy/Smuckler face off held on May 3rd.  For the political tea readers, Schulman's exit from being involved in that race should have been a clear signal that he concluded that Smuckler could not win.

The Report believes Schulman continues to be as disgusted with Healy as he ever has been, but Healy has proved to be a survivor and Schulman (who is running unopposed for a new term as council president) appears to be on a mission to make the best of the situation.

It has to pain Schulman as to what has happened to the Stark County Democratic Party in the wake of the Frustaci scandal that wormed out of the Stark County treasurer's office beginning on April 1, 2009.  Sculman has been a major financial backer of Stark's organized Democrats ever since he has become a well-heeled personal injury attorney.

The SCPR believes that the pain could get even more excruciating for Schulman in 2012.  On the accompanying video he talks about how things will get worse - financially - for the city of Canton.  And that will be painful for him and Healy and the near unanimous membership of council.

But how will he and his fellow Dems feel if Stark County Prosecutor John Ferrero and Stark County Sheriff Tim Swanson's successor (i.e. McDonald, Ream among a number of rumored candidates) go down in 2012.  It could happen.

Moreover, over Democrats could lose control of the commissioners office.  Even if Tom Bernabei runs, he may not win.  Pete Ferguson could be vulnerable, too.

Readers will remember that had not a third candidate entered the Bernabei/Walters contest, the number indicate that Republican Walters would have won.  It could be that Bernabei will not run again.  Under this scenario, the commissioners put a 0.5 sales tax on the ballot in November and it gets defeated.  Who would want to be commissioner with no money to govern with?  Not likely Tom Bernbei.  If a defeated levy effort materializes, look for Bernabei to quickly abandon any thought of running for re-election.

Ferguson has fashioned himself as a DINO (Democrat in Name Only) and though - in the opinion of the SCPR - not an effective (he does try) county leader likely has a good chance to be re-elected.  But he too would be prone to bow out if a November levy effort fails.

So it is not a pretty picture for Canton/Stark Democrats.  And nobody probably feels the pain as sharply as Canton City Council President Allen Schulman!!!

Here is the video of Schulman defending (sort of) Healy and blasting the Republicans:

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