Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Former Republican Stark County Commissioner Richard Regula (2003 - 2006) is itching to get back to holding elective office.

If he is to succeed, he has a huge hill to climb.  He has taken out petitions to run against incumbent commissioner and Democrat Tom Bernabei or incumbent commissioner and Democrat Pete Ferguson.

Back in February he tried to succeed the then 50th Ohio House District Republican state Representative Todd Snitchler (selected by Governor Kasich to be Public Utilities Commission of Ohio chairman) only to lose out to political neophyte Christina Hagan.

He lost in November, 2006 to then political upstart Nimishillen Townshp Trustee Todd Bosley in his bid to be re-elected county commissioner having first won the post in 2002 in defeating Richard Mallonn (currenty Canton city auditor).

In sort of a take off of the games the Republican candidates for county commissioner were playing in the 2010 elections in which Jackson Township Trustee James Walters, now Stark County Commissioner Janet Creighton and Lake resident Dean Windham were jockeying back and forth as to who was going to run against whom (Democrats Steven Meeks and Tom Bernabei), Regula has taken out two petitions as to weigh where he has the best possibility of once again becoming a Stark County commissioners.

As the filing deadline is not until December 7th, Regula likely is first looking at whether or not another Republican will file to run for one of the commissioner seats because he may not be able to survive a Republican primary.  Especially so, if Walters decides to try again.  There is little doubt to yours truly that Walters would easily defeat Regula.

By the SCPR's calculation, Walters would have won in 2008 in his run against Bernabei had it not been for a independent candidate running in the race who The Report figures drained off votes from Walters enough so to cause his defeat.

In addition for having a reputation for being a lazy campaigner, Regula also in Republican Party circles has a reputation for being the Democrats favorite Republican.   He is not a infrequent face to show up at Democratic candidate fundraisers.  Recently, he showed up at Massillon Mayor-elect Kathy Catazaro-Perry's during her election run up against Republican Lee Brunckhart.

The Report is told that Regula was being touted by former Stark County Chairman Johnnie A. Maier, Jr as being his candidate for commissioner come 2012.  One has to believe that Maier's seeming endorsement was all in jest, but maybe not.

The SCPR's assessment is that Regula (if he has no primary opposition or survives a primary election) can pick his "political" poison as that is exactly what he will be doing no matter which direction he goes.  As The Report sees Regula, he cannot defeat either Bernabei or Ferguson.

The degree of success that Richard Regula has had (the 2002 election) can be attributed to running on his congressman father's name (long time Congressman Ralph Regula who retired in 2008), but he proved in he could muff that advantage witness his unexpected loss to Bosley.

To add insult to injury, he loses out to Christina Hagan.

Normally, he could expect help from other Republican officeholders, but The Report believes what support he would get will definitely be of the low profile nature.  Alan Harold (Republican Stark County auditor), Alex Zumbar (Republican Stark County treasurer) and, of course, Republican Commissioner Janet Creighton would not want to offend Bernabei and Ferguson by being rabidly for the Republican: Regula or anyone else.

It is looking to the SCPR that, barring something unforeseen, Bernabei and Ferguson (though Democrats in a time when Democrats are not favored countywide) will be in good shape to retain their seats.

Such has to be comforting to Stark County Democratic Party Chairman Randy Gonzalez inasmuch The Report believes the Democrats will have a very difficult time holding on to the prosecutor's office (if the Republicans will man up with a viable candidate) and the sheriff's office.

As for Richard Regula, the 2012 elections will likely be the end of the line for the Regula name in countywide Stark County politics.

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