Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The Stark County Political Report hears from an interesting source that David Ramos, Secretary of the Perry Township Zoning Commission is likely to be the selection of remaining Perry Township Democrat trustees Craig Chessler and Lee Laubacher when they choose a successor to resigned Republican Trustee Anna Capaldi.

There appears to be a lot of "cat and mouse" politicking going on in Perry these days.

As pointed out in the SCPR's previous blog on this topic, there is a history in Perry in which trustee infighting resulted in the defeat of long time trustee Jim Holmes and relative newcomer (at the time) Lee Laubacher.

The Report's source says (which seems credible) that it unlikely that Holmes (the logical choice) will get the nod because residual political bad blood taints the relationships among Holmes, Chessler and Laubacher.

Moreover, yours truly hears that Chuck Riegler is a remote likelihood because he has incurred the ire of Chessler and Laubacher in being a chronic complainer as a regular at township meetinga about various township policies and practices and by being a thorn in the side of Capaldi in pushing for her resignation on the suspicion that she has not been living in Perry for the past year.

It could be that Reigler's pressure was the factor more than any other resulted in Capaldi's resignation at the Perry trustees' first meeting of this new year.

Another reason that neither Homes nor Riegler nor Varner (for that matter, in addition to being a Republican) have much a a chance to get selected is thought to be that Chessler wants them in the race when he has to be up for re-election is that they all will be motivated to run against him and the appointed trustee and thereby dilute the vote so that he is highly likely to be re-elected.

Sounds plausible to the SCPR.

The Report's source indicates that Trustee Chessler's (who works for Canton Law Director Joe Martuccio) consuming passion is to become a Canton Municipal Court or Stark Common Pleas Court judge.  It appears he missed his opportunity via the appointment process when Democrat Ted Strickland was governor of Ohio.

The word from the source is that Stark County Democratic Party Chairman Randy Gonzalez (a Chessler political friend and confidant) let him down in failing to help him land a judicial appointment.

To the Report, this was never, ever going to happen given the context of the only appointment that came up during Strickland's time as governor which went to Taryn Heath.  Heath had run two very competitive campaigns for a Stark County judgeship prior to getting the Strickland appointment.

There continues to be a number of Stark County Democrats well ahead (e.g. Chessler's boss Martuccio and Stark Prosecutor John Ferrero, for just a couple) of Chessler in the quest to secure a judicial appointment, even if a Democrat was governor, which, of course, with Republican John Kasich in place is not the case.

So if he wants a judgeship, he will have to roll up his sleeves and run for one.

The SCPR's source says that Chessler and Laubacher have already reached an understanding that current Perry Township Zoning Commission secretary David Ramos will be their appointee.

Could be.

There is little doubt with the SCPR that political machinations galore are underway in pantherland!

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