Friday, December 21, 2012


In a somewhat surprising move Massillon City Council President Glenn Gamber is resigning on December 28th.

In an e-mail sent out to area media, this is how Gamber put his resigning:
... I will resign my position as Council President on December 28.  As I did not plan to run for another term in 2013, I feel that this year-end is a convenient time to step down.  Personal priorities change with time; I am now in my 60's, my wife is retired and we have two out-of-town grandchildren.  And who knows, the Mayans might be right.

City Council is a constantly-changing body.  There have been 35 council members and 4 council presidents since I was first elected in 1995.  I offer my best wishes to all council members and thank those in the community who have supported me over the past 17 years.

The political effect?

It depends.

Depends on what?

If the make up of the new council coming out of the elections of 2013 results in 50/50 votes in the 2014/2015 term of council.  Council president is only significant in terms of breaking ties on council votes and making parliamentary rulings.

The main political division in Massillon politics is between those loyal to Clerk of Courts Johnnie A. Maier, Jr., and those who line up behind former longtime mayor Francis H. Chiccinelli, Jr.

So for what it is worth, you can bet your bottom dollar that when the Stark County Democratic Party (the Massillon branch) precinct committee persons meet after the first of the year to select a successor to Gamber, the choice will be someone to Maier's liking.

The SCPR notes that Maier's "gofer;" namely, Shane Jackson (Maier's chief deputy who, at last check, makes more money than the mayor) appears to be back at it with a shill of a blog "for all things Maier."

Prior to a post on December 6th, the last post was May 20th.

The main value of checking in on Shane's handiwork is to get it "straight from the horse's mouth" what Maier is thinking and doing in Massillon politics.

There is no doubt that the Maier crowd is glad to seem Gamber gone.  But seeming paranoia persists that Gamber is not "really" gone.

It could be that the surprise of the 2011 election, with the Republicans taking control of council, will be undone in 2013. 

Councilman-at-Large Milan Chovan says that business considerations may force him not to seek reelection. 

With Mike Loudiana (former safety-service director) taking out petitions in Massillon's first ward, it is likely that Republican Cunningham-Hedderly will not be returning.

So Massillonians will likely see a "shake out in the politics" of Massillon City Council, but not because of Gamber's resignation.

But because of the "cloak and dagger" machinations of the Maier and Cicchinelli camps, with a dash of Republicanism thrown in.

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