Wednesday, March 11, 2015


10:00 AM

6:00 P.M. 




Canton mayor William J. Healy, II expects a SRO "Standing Room Only" if not a "show up late and get turned away" crowd at Canton's Pro Football Hall of Fame next Wednesday.

Some 400 or so persons are expected to show up next Wednesday to hear Healy speak.

The SCPR has attended each and every William J. Healy, II presentations since his first presentation in 2008.

Some of which have had a handful of attendees.

But not these days.

Healy, who has been "a survivor" as mayor notwithstanding that he has been the topic of many, many of a controversy most of which have been self-inflicted.

Hizzhonor now stands at the pinnacle of his political power.

Less than two years ago, the SCPR who has been a frequent critic of the mayor wrote this (LINK) stinging blog (one of many over the past seven years) on Healy.

But he just plows on.  Seemingly unperturbed, he puts controversies behind him and moves on.  And such appears to be a successful formula for seeing outrage dissipate and soon to be forgotten except, of course, with the SCPR.

The Report tabs Mayor Healy as being the envy of the proverbial "cat with 9 lives."  For he has survived crisis, after crisis, after crisis to be where he is today which is again to say "at the pinnacle of his political power."

And to hear Healy's survey what is yet to come: "Ya ain't seen nothing yet."

Healy expects the groundwork his administration has and continues to lay in terms of economic development, beefing up Canton's policing, major roadway development (e.g. the 12th Street corridor, the Mahoning Road corridor and the upcoming Fulton Road NW project), clearing away Canton neighborhood blight) to bear fruit over the next three, four or so years the likes of which Canton has not seen in many, many of a year.

It was a touch ironic that at Monday night's council meeting Group 175 proponent Bruce Nordman appeared at "Public Speaks" and pretty much lauded the Healy administration for nearly getting the CPD strength up to the 175 figure that Nordman's group has been fighting for.  During the fight, Healy and Nordman have had some brusing one-on-one battles.

As with other controversies, guess who comes out of it not only unscathed but perhaps getting a large share of the credit for having met the challenge and triumphed?

You've got it!

None other that Canton mayor William J. Healy, II.

The realization and being on hand as mayor to reap the rewards might make it difficult for him to heed a call to run for statewide office as the SCPR suggested may be forthcoming in a recent blog.

With all that in mind, the The Report did a video interview with Mayor Healy Monday night asking him to give a "tease" of what he has to say at the Hall of Fame.

Here is that video.

Healy tells the SCPR that on April 8th he will be holding a fundraiser and he expects to be among his attendees none other than announced United States senatorial candidate Ted Strickland, recently elected Ohio Democratic Party chairman David Pepper and former Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher.

That Strickland et al are willing to attend a Healy fundraiser should tell readers that the SCPR's blog about Healy being a potential statewide candidate in 2016 is not all that far fetched.

The Report believes that the upcoming May 5th Democratic primary against Canton treasurer Kim Perez will prove to be "a walk in the park" for the mayor and tantamount to his reelection as mayor for a third term.

As for the presentation - Remember Healy's admonition: "show up at least by 5:30 p.m. if not thirty minutes earlier or risk being turned away.

A far cry from a State of the City address held at Malone University just a few years ago (2011) attended by a mere handful of Cantonians.

Such is the continuing story line of the oft beleaguered but undaunted mayor of Canton, Ohio!

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