Friday, July 17, 2015


UPDATED 07/18/2015





Earlier today (LINK), The Stark County Political Report published as an exclusive SCPR publication "the full report" of Stark County's "current" financial conditions as presented by Stark County Auditor Alan Harold (Republican) and Alex Zumbar (Republican) to the Stark County commissioners on Tuesday of this week at a work session.

Commissioners Thomas M. Bernabei (an "independent"), Janet Creighton (a Republican) and Richard Regula (a Republican) regularly meet in "work sessions" on Monday and Tuesday of each week at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room of the commissioners located in the Stark County Office building.

Bernabei and Creighton initiated the work sessions when they became commissioners in November, 2010 and January, 2011; respectively.

The SCPR has videotaped a large number of these sessions which go into great detail on a given topic and published same as a public service to the Stark County public.

Also at Tuesday's meeting, Auditor Alan Harold brought in his "expert" chief deputy of real estate Jason Frost to update the commissioners on the work he and his staff have done recently on appraising Stark County real property.

And an "expert" Frost is, to wit:

In this blog, yours truly focuses on a topic near and dear to all real property  owners (i.e. our homes, our businesses, et cetera) insofar as the owned realty is a basis for taxation which is the primary way you and I support our schools, our township governments and other Stark County political subdivision functions (e.g. children services, mental health and the like).

The county itself receives relative little of this revenue.

We are all highly sensitive to how our real properties are taxed.

We like it when the appraisal value goes up inasmuch as it is some evidence to prospective buyers of its value.

However, when it comes to the property "taxes" valuation purposes; of course, that is "horse of a different color," no?

Every three years our realties get re-appraised either as general reappraisal every 6 years and in between the general appraisals at the 3 year mark what is named the Triennial Valuation.

These events are mandated by Ohio law.

All telling graphic provided by Frost/Harold at Tuesday meeting was this one.

Take a close look.

SCPR Note:  See the icon-graphic at the left-hand side of this paragraph.  On the pdf file included in this blog below be sure to "click" on that icon so that the file expands to be much more readable

In particular, zero in on the change in the property valuation fluxusation of our properties over those 10 years.

Notice the variation of the graphic line.

Here are the numbers isolated from the base document to show emphatically the swings in valuation.

Here are some more documents that each and every Stark County taxpayer should pay close attention to in order to understand the appraisal process.

First, a document created by the Stark auditor's office to explain in great detail the Triennial valuation process.

PLEASE! do read this document.  It only takes about 5 minutes.

Next, take a look at a sample document which tailored to your specific property you will be receiving in the mail this week end.

Finally, you owe it to yourself and being a highly informed citizen of how your property is valued for tax purposes by viewing this SCPR exclusive video on Chief Deputy Frost explaining to commissioners the appraisal ins and outs.

This blog presented as a SCPR (a no advertising publication) public service to the Stark County public.

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