Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Stark County Commissioner Janet Creighton tells the Stark County Political Report that she is not the power player within Stark County Republican circles as The Report thinks.

Alan Harold also downplays his having a dominant role within Stark County GOP–land.

And, of course, yours truly's take is just an opinion.

A real test of their influence will come next Tuesday when their man—Governor John Kasich—tries to become the person to derail the seeming unstoppable Donald Trump as marches on the pathway to be the Republican nominee of the National Republican Party come the week of July 17–21, 2016 in Cleveland, OHIO.

What is intriguing about the Stark County part of the overall Ohio Kasich/Trump/Cruz/Rubio contest is that the political savvy Creighton and Harold are matched up against a political nobody:  Ralph Case who lives in Plain Township.

Kudos to the Stark County Republican leadership for giving all the candidates some play on its Facebook page (LINK), to wit:

It should be no surprise that Kasich is the major part of the page space.

Creighton and Harold were the main players in the Stark County GOP phase of the Kasich gubernatorial re-election effort in 2014.

Case (LINK to Trump Facebook page) in 2014, he could have cared less about politics at any level including Stark County.

At least, that is how the SCPR interprets his description of his prior political involvement.

The SCPR had a long conversation with Case yesterday.

And here are some of the things yours truly learned:
  • He got involved with the Stark County Trump effort in early February of this year because:
    • thinks that Donald Trump is the only candidate that tells the truth in the director the USA is heading in,
    • he believes that Trump will restore America's greatness and thereby provide the kind of America that he wants his four and twelve year old to live in.
  • The headquarters at 4817 West Tuscarawas was at his initiative and on his donation to the Trump cause.
  • From the day that the headquarters opened on February 24th, he has be swamped with volunteers.
  • Last Saturday, some 18 volunteers fanned out over Stark County in a door-to-door canvasing operation to increase the number of Trump voters,
  • The Stark 
  • The Stark County Trump headquarters operation are getting on the average some 200/300 telephone calls a day,
  • Over 600 signs have been place on the Stark County landscape, and
  • The make up of those contacting Trump/Stark include:
    • independents,
    • Democrats,
    • mainline Republicans and 
    • women,
Why the reference to women?

The Report cited to Case an anecdotal account of a Stark County leading Republican woman (not Creighton) who recited a recent poll taken among a relatively small group of establishment-esque Republican in which all the votes went to Kasich except for four votes to Ted Cruz.

Trump nada, absolutely nothing among the staunch Republican women, according to The Report's source.

Case seemed sensitive to that bit of information even though it was anecdotal and moreover a tiny, tiny sample size.

A lot of our talk focused on the large number of Stark County women (remember:  independents, Democrats and mainline Republicans) who Case thinks will be voting for Donald Trump come next Tuesday.

Creighton, who was Kasich's northeast Ohio campaign coordinator in the 2014 re-election campaign (Harold was Kasich's "designated 'political' hitter" for Stark County in 2014), says that she is working hard to make Kasich the GOP 2016 standard bearer coming out of Cleveland in July.

Last night she spent the evening at a phone bank making telephone calls across the nation for Kasich.

Between now and next Tuesday, she says, the focus will intensify on Ohio and of course Stark County.

Creighton likely is the foremost Stark County Republican in terms of knowing Who's Who in Stark County Republican politics.

Notwithstanding such, she says that she does not know any of the folks running the Stark County Trump effort.

And, she is not counting out  the "possibility" that Trump could win Ohio and/or Stark County.

She is seemed optimistic that Kasich can overcome the nearly 5% lead an average of polls indicate that Trump has over him.

But to reiterate, she is taking nothing for granted.

When The Report last talked with Harold (about two weeks ago), he was downplaying his effort on behalf of Kasich.

Of course, The Stark County Political Report is not buying into Harold account of his involvement in next Tuesday's Republican presidential primary on behalf of Kasich.

Kasich did not have a good night last night in Michigan, Mississippi, Idaho and Hawaii.

And he has an uphill climb in Ohio, to wit:

Beginning today, the rush will be on in Ohio and of course in Stark County by Creighton, Harold et al to put Kasich on top come next Wednesday morning.

Then we will know whether or not the local political pros Creighton and Harold can best political novice Donald Case.

Win or lose, one has to be impressed by the effort that Case is making for his man Trump and through Trump hoping by virtue of the Stark County Trump campaign effort to have a part in Trump's promise to American great once again.

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