Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Giavasis is Perpetuator/Beneficiary of Political Cronyism:  Shriver

Today's blog is volume one of a four volume presentation of video/SCPR commentary on last night's Canton League of Women Voters (C-LWV) and Repository sponsored candidates forum for countywide candidates on the November 8th ballot.

Given the astounding nature of the Claude Shriver presentation, The Report devotes today's edition to the clerk of courts race.

In volume two (tomorrow), the SCPR will take up the coroner, recorder, treasurer and Family Court races.

In volume three (Friday), the SCPR will publish Stark County commissioner candidate forum featuring Democratic candidate and Canton Ward 7 councilman John Mariol and incumbent Republican commissioner Richard Regula.

On Saturday, incumbent Democratic Stark County prosecutor John Ferrero and his Republican rival Jeff Jakmides, probably Stark County's most well know private practice criminal defense attorney.



VIDEO (6:29)


Lou Giavasis had to know that the Shriver political attack was coming.

Immediately after the candidates for Stark County clerk of courts, Giavasis approached The Report presenting a printed page of material bearing on Shriver's points.

He promised to e-mail the SCPR a copy of the document post-forum.

So far, nothing.

Giavasis presented first last night on the clerk of courts part of the candidates forum agenda.  

One has to wonder why he did not insist on going second in light of The Report's belief he knew the Shriver attack was coming.

And one has to wonder, once Shriver finished the political fusilade upon Giavasis, he did not demand an opportunity to respond.

It is amazing that moderator Richard Kuhn who in the Ferrero/Jakmides interjected admonitions on both candidates for getting personal and thereby on the ugly side would simply sit there and not act in the Shriver/Giavasis matter.  Either stop the Shriver attack or break protocol and provide Giavasis with an opportunity to respond.

As the video shows, Giavasis focused on his history of office holding in Stark County including his appointment to the clerk of courts position by the Stark County Democratic Precinct Committee (countywide)  on the retirement of Nancy Reinbold in June, 2015.

In the way of full disclosure,  those who read the SCPR on a regular basis, going back years are familiar with The Report having written about Louis Giavasis' political connectedness and how he has seemingly used those connections to his personal political advantage and thereby denied taxpaying citizens and other Stark political figures the opportunity to get considered for taxpayer supported positions.

One of the SCPR's favorite graphics is one which lumps together the primary Stark County elected officials/public figures who The Report deems to be under the political control/influence of former Stark County Democratic Party chairman (currently Masillon clerk of courts) Johnnie A. Maier, Jr.

The SCPR sees the administration of the Stark County sheriff's office (Stark County's chief law enforcement agency) as being a haven (but not the only Stark County political subdivision government) for Maier political machine sponsored appointees without the Stark County "politically unconnected" taxpaying public having had an opportunity to apply.

One has to wonder whether or not George T. Maier finds a way of favoring certain unionized uniformed officers (subjects of a collective bargaining agreement) perceived by him to be political loyalists.

The SCPR had no foreknowledge of Shriver's plan of political attack last night and was surprised as anybody.

It took a lot of moxie for Shriver (even in the light of self-interest) to address rampant Stark County political cronyism that the SCPR has written far and wide about in this blog over the nearly nine years of its existence.

Shrive in the video zeros in on Louis' brother who is clerk of the Canton Municipal Court and also happens to be chairman of the Stark County Democratic Party now and when brother Louis was appointed to replace Reinbold.

Blasting his opponent is all well and good and as far as the SCPR is concerned deserved by Giavasis.

But it would be good to know what Shriver has to say about Stark County Republican officeholding political cronyism.

The Report invited Giavasis and Shriver to extend the discussion via a SCPR on camera interview on the cronyism issue beyond last night.  Giavasis said he would participate.  Shriver declined.

Cronyism and the like has an erosive effect on the confidence that Stark County's citizens have in the integrity of government.

More and more citizens are opting out of participating in events like the LWV Candidates Forum.

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