Sunday, July 30, 2017




Ralph Regula
Demonstrating Civility/Graciousness

There has been a lot written about Stark County's Ralph Regula since his death at age 92 on July 19th.

Perhaps the most meaningful to those who believe in centrist, moderate, integrity-driven politics and independence of mind when it comes to the welfare of the American nation is expressed succinctly in this except:

A concrete example of Republican Congressman Regula's political civility and graciousness, here is a C-SPAN video except of him welcoming newly elected Democrat congresswoman Marcia Fudge (Cleveland area) to the U.S. House as a member of the Ohio delegation to the Congress.

During a good part of his time in Congress (36 years), Regula was a member of a partnership of congresspersons known as being  the "Main Street Republicans."

Now there's only a number of about 70 out 293 Republican congresspersons own up to political moderation; a miniscule 24%, more or less.

There was a day of many, many, many moderate Republican congresspersons especially in the 1940s, 1950s and even into the 1960s.

But no more.

As shown above only 24% of congressional Republican own up to being moderates.

An even lesser number (21%) constitutes the membership of the Tuesday group of congresspersons.

During Regula's time in Congress, he saw Congresses' rating soar to as high as 84% (2002) and as low as 9% (2013).

For the most part, during the Regula years the rating ranged from 40% to 50%; far above the current years averages at about 20%.

Regula-esque congresspersons were clearly a civilizing factor in the "for the good of the nation" debates which take place as part of our prized, hallowed "come let us reason together" that many of us wish to see as a at least "a most of the time" model for congressional deliberations.

Undoubtedly, things get heated up here and there.

The Regula years in Congress were days when ALL of Stark County was within the district.

All that changed in the 2011 Republican heightened gerrymandering of Ohio congressional districts so that Stark County ended up being in three different districts; the 16th (northwest Stark), the 17th (most of Stark) and the 13th (north-northeast Stark County).

On August 12th, Mount Union University will be the site of a memorial to Regula (a Mount Union alum).

Stark County is blessed in having had a civil, respectful and thoughtful congressman.

Ralph S. Regula leaves a legacy of honorable service to the people of Stark County, the 16th congressional district, Ohio and the United States of America.

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