Friday, November 10, 2017


Earlier year (before he decided to run for a North Canton Council seat) former mayor, council president and councilman Daryl Revoldt appeared before council to give his two cents worth on an issue before council.

Council has a "5 minute" rule for any citizen who wants to participate in the "public speaks' time part of any given "regular" (not work sessions) meeting of council.

Over the years that The Stark County Political Report has covered North Canton's council meeting, there have occasions in which it has allowed certain citizens to take whatever time they want in making this or that presentation to council.

Procedurally, North Canton government (i.e. council, the mayor seems to be fine with citizen critiquing) has shown that it is both a respecter of persons and a disrespecter of persons.

If one addresses council "to praise Caesar" then the chances of getting "extra" time to present are greatly enhanced.

However, if one addresses council "to tell Caesar that they [council members] 'have no clothes on,'" then one can be sure to be gonged off the lectern and told to sit down.

The latter is what happened to Revoldt and it prompted him to say to himself:  "you know what, I am going to run for council to correct this among other process issues currently afflicting North Canton government."

Had Councilman-at- large Dan Griffith moved for council (and persuaded them) to extend Revoldt's "public speaks" time, he likely would have won a third term on council.

Revoldt tells the SCPR that he would never have run had he and other North Canton citizens been treated disrespectfully by certain North Canton council members.

The "mistreater-in-chief" as far as the SCPR is concerned is council president Daniel "Jeff" Peters who often, when prompted by Law Director Tim Fox, cuts off citizens who are critiquing council in the comments portion of regular council meetings.

As Mayor David Held repeatedly tells the SCPR, periodic North Canton citizen surveys taken by North Canton government come back with a affirmation that North Cantonians are highly satisfied that the mayor, council as a whole, and, its unelected officials "do make the trains run on time."

But process is another matter and North Canton's poor performance on creating a citizen-friendly processes of government is likely one unseen by the general North Canton voting public who are happy:
  • that the garbage gets picked up on schedule,
  • that the roads and streets are generally in good repair, and
  • that EMS services are first rate, and
  • that North Cantonians feel safe in their respective neighborhoods
Just let one of them with a "beef" with North Canton government come before council and ask them what they think of the reception.

Of course, there are those with benign complaints that get treated respectively, BUT just let a citizen get a little heated in presenting to council.

One can see President Peters face redden and disturbed "hey, Mr. President when are you going to stop this tirade" looks grace the faces of many of the council members and focused expectantly on Peters.

  • A thumbing of the nose at "public speaks" complainers, at first, when North Canton citizens voted overwhelmingly that part-time employees (including council members) who have access to other health insurance not get health care coverage at city expense,
  • A thumbing of the nose at "public speaks" complainers, at first, when council and the mayor not exercising internal "oversight" functions properly, allowed an un-elected official to grant a 100% abatement over 12 years which cost North Canton schools dearly to upwards of $1 million,
    • Note:  Because of citizen/schools pressure; council ultimately implemented a plan to cut the loss to about half of the $1 million
  • A thumbing of the nose to citizen objections to empower another North Canton government structure (i.e. Water Board) whereby an un-elected officials will be making decisions on who gets North Canton water and the rate recipients will be paying for it and whether or not they will have to annex to North Canton in order to qualify for North Canton water, and 
  • A thumbing of the nose to inquiring citizens who want professional planners to be hired as North Canton considers a zoning change for an area of the city known as Fieldcrest Estates,
For these presenters, "the 5 minute rule" is enforced with gusto if not cut short.

It is obvious that the bulk of North Canton council members are not small letter "d" democrats except when they are being praised.

The really big expectation based on his personal experience that Daryl Revoldt as a councilperson will, if it is apparent that a citizen has more to say, move for his fellows to extend a given citizen's time.

The MAJOR failing of North Canton City Council is its inability to abide sharp criticism which is the basis on which "democracy in action" being cut off.

Griffith made a major, major, major person political blunder in not interceding on behalf of citizen Revoldt.

Revoldt made Griffith pay a high price indeed for not stepping out in favor of hearing him out on an issue (i.e. the North Ridge Place LLC abatement referred to above) that he as a former mayor, council member and council president had some expert-esque information on.

To repeat, having been treated disrespectfully by North Canton Council, Revoldt should lead and the SCPR believes he will lead a "revolt" against council's anti-democratic attitude towards North Cantonians seeking "redresses of grievances" vis-a-vis North Canton government.

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