Friday, February 23, 2018


Time has to be flying for the candidates for the 50th Ohio House District.

While there is indeed 75 Days until the final vote takes place in "going to your normal election day" voting site (May 8, 2018), there are only 47 days until Ohioans/Stark Countians start "early" voting on April 10, 2018.

One candidate that likely has very little to worry about in terms of "closing the deal" with 50th District voters in Paris Township trustee and Republican Reggie Stoltzfus.

Notwithstanding the fact that the older brother of current 50th District representative Christina Hagan (Josh Hagan) is running to be the Republican nominee, it is clear to The Stark County Political Report (SCPR, The Report) that Stoltzfus WILL BE the Republican nominee at the end of the vote day of May 8th unless some calamity befalls Stoltzfus.

The SCPR in the ten years of doing this blog had never seen a candidate come out of the gate fully prepared to run as Reggie Stoltzfus.

Solely on the score of the quality of his political operation (not getting in to the merits/demerits) of his issue positions.

To get a full appreciation of the quality of Stoltzfus' political operation take a look (LINK) at a previous SCPR blog on Stoltzfus.

Another impressive thing about Stoltzfus is that he is willing to answer SCPR questions.

In the six years that Christian Hagan has represented the 50th, she has not been willing to answer one SCPR (located in Lake Township of the 50th) question.

Hagan likes to portray herself as fearless, gun-toting, nightmare to Planned Parenthood, anti-Republican-establishment candidate.

And yet she refuses to take the open-ended questions of the SCPR who allows interviewees a full and fair opportunity to answer questions.

The Report thinks Hagan is in reality a political coward, who, like the president of the United States, whom she wholeheartedly supports, toss her softball questions and make "Dear Leader-esque" statements in support.  A very insecure politician she is.

Hagan had to have her former state representative father John pave the way for her in early 2011 to get the Republican caucus nod to replace Todd Snitchler who resigned the 50th District seat to become Ohio Public Utilities chairman.

Time will tell whether or not brother Josh (Stoltzfus' sole opponent is made of the same stuff as his sister.

Reggie Stoltzfus' SCPR Q&A is the second in this race.  Here is a LINK the Q&A to the blog in which Democrat Courtlen Vizzuso answered the same questions put to Stoltzfus.

And now, Stoltzfus' response:

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