Monday, October 15, 2018



In investigative journalism the tried and true adage is "follow the money."

In political reporting, it who is up in the polls.

The Stark County Political Report (SCPR, The Report) has learned that Republican Mike DeWine has a clear advantage in Stark County on campaign fundraising whereas it might be that Richard Cordray (extrapolating from Real Clear Politics' statewide polling averages through October 8th.) is playing better with "likely to vote" voters in this year's gubernatorial election.

Take a look at the following chart compiled by the SCPR off of data made available to the public by Cleveland. com (Cleveland Plain Dealer).

First, Republican Mike DeWine, by far and wide, the winner in Stark (for the most part) in fundraising with $330,661

Second, trailing badly at $98,900 in (mostly) Stark is Democrat Richard Cordray.

(Note:  There is some crossover into adjoining counties for border zip codes)

DeWine Stark County Republican campaign leaders Alex Zumbar (Stark County treasurer) at the county level and Janet Creighton (Stark County commissioner) at the regional level must be bursting at the seams in delight with the foregoing numbers.

On the other hand Cordray campaign finance chair Melissa Klide Hedden (daughter of the now deceased [2016] Municipal/Common Pleas  judge and Stark Democratic Party honcho) has to be feeling "down in the mouth," no?

Campaign finance "the mother's milk of politics" is a pretty reliable gauge as to whom is going to win/lose a political campaign in the area of fundraising.

But sometimes the latter adage does not pan out.

And that could be the "hope against hope" for Cordray at least insofar as the outcome of the statewide election is Stark County is concerned.

So far as The Report knows, there is no Stark County polling per se.

But the following numbers have to be comforting to Democrat Cordray's supporters in Stark.

So which will triumph when the results come in at the witching hour at the Stark County Board of Elections come November 6, 2018?

Right now, it is anybody's guess who the "winnah" will be.

The gubernatorial race as it stands now indicates an interesting evening at the Board of Elections on the 6th!

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