Thursday, February 14, 2019



There are 196 elected Republicans and 125 elected Democrats and 34 elected non partisans (aka "independents" in Stark County Political Subdivision government.

The most prized ought to be those who serve in local government as politically independent (registered as non partisans).

They are eight in number.

However, note in the SCPR posting of "organized" majority (Republican Democrat and evenly distributed) of staffing of Stark political subdivisions that the remaining 26 non partisans are sprinkled throughout.  As stated above, there are only 34 of them who are the majority in four local political subdivision venue. to wit:

  • Note:  a few of  serving public officials are appointed such as was Canton law director Kristen Aylward-Bates and Canton City Council president William V. Sherer, II.
"Organized Republicans really do control Stark County's political landscape in 2019.  Sixty-six (66) of this counties government entities are staffed with a majority of Republicans, to wit:

Organized Democrats have a majority in 35 Stark County political subdivision jurisdictions and there are 6 evenly divided between Republicans, Democrats and non-partisan jurisdictions, to wit:

Here is the entire list of 2019 serving public officials:

(Data based on information provided by Stark Co. BOE)

So far as The Stark County Political Report is concerned, both of the "organized" Dems and Republicans parties are corrupted in the sense in looking out for political party interests over community interests and, derivatively,  individual elected officials in the sense of looking after the political welfare of themselves and their "inside the beltway" supporters rather than overall community interests.

All one has to do is to look at the goings on in Washington and the political warfare that is underway.

Political parties gaming one another, individual Republican and Democratic politicians grandstanding and a president who sees everything in terms of his self-interest and has no problem whatsoever in telling lie, after lie, after lie in order to justify himself.

And very few, if any, Senate Republicans and House Republicans  (including 7th District [includes much of Stark County]  congressman Bob Gibbs) will call Trump's rampant dishonesty out.


Perhaps to save the Republican Party and themselves in the hope that the president can, through political bravado, survive the mounting disaffection of independent minded everyday Republicans.

Meanwhile, the ordinary citizens of America, Ohio and Stark County grow more and more cynical of major party elected officials to put "country, state, county, city, village and schools" above political party.

More and more voters are abandoning "official" political identity but have not yet translated that independence into making it clear to "died in the wool Democratic/Republican" candidates that the more partisan and political party entrenched they are perceived to be,  the less likely that you and I are to vote for them.

One of the more disturbing events in Stark County is the return of Canton mayor Thomas M. Bernabei to the "organized" Democratic Party.

Undoubtedly, former county Dems' chair Phil Giavasis was overjoyed at Bernabei's return for he willingly witness his circulating a petition for the mayor (likely would have gladly signed one but for his not being a Canton resident) in the light of his joining the fight to deny Bernabei (up to then a lifelong Democrat) the right to run as an independent  against two-term, seeking a third term, William J. Healy, II.

Anyone who thinks William J. Healy, II is a better fit than Tom Bernabei for the benefit of Canton obviously hinges that evaluation on his loyalty as a Democrat.

Somewhat understandable in that Giavasis was party chairman at the time.  But not really if one has a vantage point to know better than most of us to know that Healy was bad news for the future well being of Canton.

Undoubtedly, Giavasis knew the accounts of Bernabei repeatedly ripping Healy "a new one" when he Bernabei was was Canton service director/chief of staff in Healy's first term.  For which (even for the well being of Canton's citizens) got Bernabei fired in a humiliating manner.

Chairman Phil had to know all that and, accordingly, should easily be able to see him as a "party over community" politico.

And witness these individual signatures from "about as close as one can get" as being as being "political party" and 'individual political" interests over community interests.

Oh! not that the don't do their jobs as public officials in a workman sort of way.

But this blogger thinks in an overall since community is not over party when "push comes to shove" with likes of these folks.

Bernabei in taking on the "organized" Democratic Party establishment" struck a blow for community interest priority over political party/individual political interests.

Now that is all lost in terms of being an example of what courageous independent of political parties can do.

Disappointing for a man who could have been easily been reelected as an "independent."

But perhaps there is more to this story which, if so, it appears Bernabei is unwilling to discuss.  Not that long ago Louis Giavasis (shortly after having being appointed Stark County clerk of Court while brother Phil was chairman) floated a trial balloon of running as a Democrat.

The question is:  Was there  deal whereby the official Democratic Party hierarchy agreed to drop a possible Louis Giavasis challenge?

Nonetheless, the SCPR still thinks he is by far the most capable and independent-prone-thinking person in all of Stark County political subdivision government.

He could have been so much more in terms of being a model for those who aspire to get away the by and large GOP/Democrat self-aggrandizing monopoly and put community over party.

But of course nobody is perfect!

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