Friday, April 27, 2018


UPDATE:  12:50 PM



50th Ohio District GOP Primary Election candidate Josh Hagan's sister (Christina, candidate for Ohio's 16th Congressional District in a contested GOP primary) is attempting to convince voters that she is a political outsider.

But don't you believe it.

The Stark County Political Report thinks she would absolutely love to be the darling of the Stark County part of the 16th District's Republican establishment her on endeavor to become the GOP nominee in the November general election.

And, when she was selected in 2011 to replace Todd Snitchler (resigned to become Public Utilities Commission chairman) she was.

Christina and her Hagan clan in general as politicians are clearly "whatever it takes" politicians who clothe themselves in being "religious values" candidates.  But, whom, The Report thinks regarding the "in the political arena" Hagans are about as cutthroat as politicians get.

Apparently, the GOP Washington/Columbus/Canton establishment now thinks she and her extreme religious right wing brand of politics cannot win in the 16th and turned to a much more mainstream Republican candidate Anthony Gonzalez of the metropolitan Cleveland area

Josh Hagan in his campaign literature seems to be a "political" clone of his sister and, perhaps, a candidate who has huge ethical problems that TRUMP all the other "politically-involved" Hagans.

Hagan opponent Reggie Stoltzfus (who the SCPR thinks is running a first-rate campaign) tells the SCPR that former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder who wants to be speaker again
  • Note: (Republican and Stark Countian Kirk Schuring, the 48th House District [Jackson Township] is now "temporary" speaker with the resignation of former Stoltzfus supporter and House Speaker 
first approached him to pre-commit, assuming the Republican candidate will be elected in November, which the SCPR thinks is a pretty sure thing, to support Housholder to be the "permanent house speaker come January, 2019.

It is highly likely that the winner of the May 8th Republican primary election will be elected in November, especially given the anemic campaign—so far—of Democrat Cassie Gabelt.
To his credit, Stoltfus refused.

Hence the $7,708 (rounded off) campaign contribution to Josh Hagan.

And that's not all.

Political entities which the SCPR considers to be Columbus Beltway "Swamp" factors are the political money life's blood of the Josh Hagan campaign.

It appears that Hagan has at least one political bedfellow according to a report from The Courier newspaper located in Hancock County, to wit:

Remember from the above linked SCPR blog above that the Growth & Opportunity PAC sent out the alleged "dirty politics" flyer out against Stoltzfus.

Stoltzfus tells the SCPR that the foregoing flyer is the first in a series of three so far that Growth & Opportunity has sent out negative on his campaign.

Of course, being the political cowards they are, neither Growth & Opportunity nor the Josh Hagan campaign will answer the pinpointed questions that the SCPR has.

Hagan's father was chair of the Ohio House utilities committee when he served the 50th from 2000 through 2008.  And he submitted his application to be chair or a member of Ohio's Public Utilities when a vacancy opened in 2011.   See the SCPR discussion above about Todd Snitchler becoming PUCO chair.

Now look at Hagan campaign finance report for the pre-primary period: (highlighting added)


First Energy Political Action Committee:  $5,500!

Readers of this blog should go to an April 20, 2018 article on providing a great deal of detail of what First Energy might expect if its favored candidates get elected (LINK).

Is this example of Ohio's lobbyist political "swamp" trying to ingratiate itself to particular candidates who then dutifully vote a given lobbyist way on a given utilities issue before the Ohio House?

An additional surprise on Hagan's CFR is the appearance of outstanding Stark Stark County criminal defense attorney Jeff Jakmides.


The SCPR counts Jakmides as one of Stark's more discerning public officials.

What a disappointment to the SCPR that Jakmides would support a candidate of the likes of Josh Hagan and the likelihood that he is somehow involved in what some think is a "dirty tricks" aspect to the Hagan campaign.

The SCPR is a fiercely independent blog that has no problem whatsoever critiquing candidates/appointed-elected officials who demonstrate faulty judgment.

And therein lies the reason why "some" candidates/appointed-elected Stark County officials avoid "on camera interviews" with this blogger.

Here is a look at the Ohio Secretary of State provided data for Stoltzfus' CFRs "non-individual" filed in January and yesterday: (highlighting added)

Here is a look at the Ohio Secretary of State provided data for Stoltzfus' CFRs "individual" filed in January and yesterday: (highlighting added)

So through April 16th Stoltzfus has out raised Hagan $105,000, more or less, to $24,000, more or less.

Now who do you think is going to win on May 8, 2018?

Perhaps as some 50th District folks think, no wonder that the Josh Hagan campaign in plagued with allegations of "dirty 'campaign' tricks?"

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