Tuesday, August 28, 2018





Early in the life of The Stark County Political Report (SCPR, The Report), former Local 94 Plumbers and Pipefitters business manager Daniel Fonte aptly described Martin Olson as being "an equal opportunity critic."

It wasn't all that much later (May, 2012) that one of his proteges at Local 94 (David Kirven) was part of a movement banning the SCPR from Jefferson-Jackson Club (of the Stark County "organized" Democratic Party) meetings.

The offense?  The SCPR showed the Democratic candidates as they presented themselves.  As inadequate for public service as that may have been.

But before the banning, Kirven had no qualms whatsoever in asking The Report to cover an organized labor event at Mills Business Park billed as "Justice for Labor."

Here's a guy who is willing to be part of the trampling of the public's "Justice to Voters" right to know political candidates as they really are as he dons the cloak of "Justice for Labor."

How hypocritical can one be?

Somewhat similar from the Republican side of the same political coin was the Stark County "organized" party (Jeff Matthews, the executive director of the Stark County Board of Elections and currently chairman of the "organized" Stark GOP) after this blogger captured the "politically over-the-top" Phil Davison in September, 2010 of banning the SCPR camera from "organized" Stark County Republican Party functions.

To show what an utter hypocrite Matthews can be, he is reported by Stark County commissioner Janet Creighton to this blogger of having uttered "Where is Martin when you need him?" post-Creighton after she had given what he deemed to have been an outstanding speech.

"Cherry-picking" types like Kirven and Matthews want to have it every which way and it seems to the SCPR to be "bullying" types who appear to this blogger not to have the public interest at heart but their self-serving individual or political party interests as the motivator in how they handle their public functions.

While it wasn't Matthews but rather the political party appointed members of the Stark County Board of Elections (Cline, Braden [Republicans]'; Johnnie A. Maier, Jr and Ferruccio [Democrats with Ferruccio being the current chairman of the Stark Dems] who initially prohibited the SCPR from videotaping board meetings

Of course we all readily recall Trump repeatedly calling the free press "the enemy of the people" which is nothing other than as thinking himself to be the whole of the American people.

There is no doubt that much of the media goes after Trump and his incessant lying, name calling, refusing to deal with those media types to differ with him and his concomitant bullying.

Maybe just maybe the man brings the intense scrutinizing on himself?


Ferrero, the man who reportedly worried that The Repository publisher (who himself fits a characterization of being a bully) was mad at him for an attorney on his staff doing the attorney's job for Stark County treasurer Alex Zumbar in complying with Ohio law tries to intimidate others.

Elum a man who collects civic awards like he is reaching into a bag of candy and yet cannot bring himself to treat those with whom he disagrees with anything but contempt and the vilest of language.

There have been and continue to be other Stark County public officials/public figures who seem to share the Trump sentiment and intimidating conduct in relation to the press.

At the local level, the SCPR has not hesitated whatsoever to identify these folks by name so that they have to walk in the light of day.

Of late, there has been a Stark Countian who has taken to ranting to this blogger in e-mails in defense of President Donald J. Trump.

LINK referred to

From a June 25, 2018 e-mail concerning the SCPR blog of June 21, 2018 (LINK).

            I normally agree with you on most issues, but your demeaning article against Trump today is over the edge. 

Obama started the screwup with illegals, not Trump.  

I am an unhappy Republican who now is a Trumplican.  

Kasich has turned into a slimey, snivelling worm. 

Trump has raised our economy, lowered black unemployment to record levels, raised income, is working to make this a safer country and I 100% support building the wall to prevent and stop not only the illegals crossing the border, but the Pakistanis, Syrians, Libyans, and any other terrorists filtering through the border. Also the drugs coming through the border are the real cause of our heroin problem, not pharmacists or doctors.

Trump might not say things the nicest way, but at least he has the balls to say them.

The Democrats have become almost satanic in their opposition and attacks on Trump. 

The Mueller investigation is pure illegal, corrupt, biased bullshit and the IG investigation is just the tip of the iceberg against him. The more they attack Trump the more we will support him.

Schmidt is a RINO just like McCain. He's in the mold of Kasich who should just resign because he no longer has any working person Republican support. 

You are way off base this time. You say none have the backbone to denounce Trumps departure of Republican community/ family building core values?

He's lowered unemployment for all to historic levels. He is working to keep America safe. He is pro traditional family, He just took a historic step in peace with North Korea who we have technically been at war with for the last 70 years. He's bring jobs back to this country. 

You call Trump a lying, scheming and totally self serving president. 

You are a fool. 

Trump is the voice of those of us who are tired of the Democratic, liberal, Obama / Clinton decade of decline, lies, corruption, and moral collapse.

 Why aren't you writing about the corruption with Strzok,,  Page, McCabe, Comey, Brennen, Clapper, and Lynch?

Trump is working to clean up this mess and I'd rather have a president who has enough backbone to say what he needs to say as opposed to Obama and Clinton who lied continuously.  

 (CAPITALIZATION = emphasis added)

What venom! no?

And disturbingly the fulmination comes from a self-described (by implication) former Stark County "working Republican," now a Trumplican, who apparently fancies himself (from material not included in the foregoing e-mail reproduction) as a veteran's veteran, who, of course, had nothing to say about the draft dodging Trump (like Democrat Bill Clinton) and Trump's bashing of the heroically courageous Vietnam War prisoner John McCain.


Citizens out to be standing up against the bullies of life wherever we find them while honoring the "come let us reason together" folks.

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