Friday, December 29, 2017


UPDATE:  (10:35 a.m.) Hagan Reacts to Larkin Criticism

Amen! Brother Larkin. Amen!!! (added)  Larkin Photo Added

The Stark County Political Report has written prolifically over her years in the Ohio General Assembly (since March, 2011) how much Christina Hagan does not belong in government at any level.

The Report has identified Hagan as, in Cleveland Plain Dealer editor Brent Larkin's words, being "a resident of the Republican [P]arty's lunatic fringe."

Here are links to samplings as of some of those blogs:
A question raised by Larkin's editorial (LINK) is whether or not it is fair to compare Hagan to Roy Moore.

Well, it depends on what part of Roy Moore one is talking about.

Does Christina have a history of suggesting that she harbors pedophilia as has been alleged about Roy Moore?

Absolutely, not!

However, there are factors that the SCPR thinks that a Roy Moore/Christina Hagan comparison is right on the mark.

The most preeminent factor is her over-the-top touting of her religious faith which is right in line with Roy Moore (for a summary of Moore's [e.g. Ten Commandments on public property] positions on religious issues, see this LINK).

Go to this LINK for Christina Hagan "in her own words" on her intermingling of her personal faith with being an elected official.

Though the SCPR sees nothing on Hagan's "for Congress" website that embraces Roy Moore, she does absolutely pledge her loyalty (along "Dear Leader" lines?) to President Trump who of course is alleged to have sexually abused women.

As a person who touts the very highest in moral standards, one would think Hagan would have been front and center in questioning Moore's fitness to be a public official in light of the allegations against him and, moreover, to distance herself from the president who has many, many, many sexual misconduct charges against him (e.g. Access Hollywood tape) and has been repeatedly shown to be a serial liar.

But she has done neither.

In fact, she touts herself as being "pro-Trump."

Kind of looks like Hagan's supposed devotion to "high moral standards" get "trumped" by political considerations, no?

She herself has made her religious faith a political issue as evidenced by this LINK.

Now she plays the role of unmitigated hypocrite with this Hagan campaign Facebook posting today:

No, Christina; the shame is on you for making your faith a distinguishing factor (by implication) vis-a-vis opponent Anthony Gonzalez.

And while the SCPR is at it, shame on Christina for using her child as a political prop.

The simple fact that Hagan lives in the 7th congressional district but is running in the 16th brings into question in and of itself the strength of Hagan's moral compass.

Most folks probably would say that "the right thing" for a person to do is to run for political office in the district they live in.  Running out of district, many would say, suggests "political opportunism" as the underlying  motivation which, of course, is a SELFISH consideration.

So which is it Christian?  Are you a principled, faith-based candidate or are you merely a political opportunist like so many American politicians are?

Most "political" questing parents want to keep the kids out of the political limelight in any run for political office.

But not Christina!

By the way, though Gonzalez graduated from a Catholic high school (which implies that his family values religious tenets), he keeps his personal faith beliefs off his "Gonzalez for Congress" website.

Maybe, just maybe the Gonzalez approach is the better one if one does not want this highly personal aspect of life to be a matter of public scrutiny.

Sounds like Hagan might have "a persecution complex," no?  A healthy state of mind for a would-be congress-person, no?

There are three paragraphs in the Larkin editorial that tells 16th congressional district Republicans all they need to know about Christina Hagan, to wit:

The 28-year-old Hagan is a member in good standing of what is widely referred to in Columbus - by Republicans as well as Democrats - as the GOP's "caveman caucus." She twists the truth on guns and state finances, and is an author of the "heartbeat bill," an unconstitutionally restrictive abortion law vetoed by Gov. John Kasich.

Hagan proudly boasts of her unwavering support for Trump, Bannon, and Jesus Christ, not necessarily in that order. Her campaign website solemnly proclaims, "Christina believes when we fix our hearts and attention on Jesus, the founder, the author of our faith, things begin to change."


So toxic is Hagan's candidacy that normal Republican leaders in the district's southern end, near where she lives, seem to be pretending she doesn't exist. Hagan actually resides in Rep. Bob Gibbs' district.

All of which the SCPR says:  "amen! Brother Larkin, Amen!!!"

If Hagan stays in the congressional race (which the SCPR thinks it is questionable that she will), Stark Countians who live in the 16th ought to be voting for Anthony Gonzalez in the May 8, 2018 Republican Primary.

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