Sunday, April 25, 2010


A political love-in?

That's what the Republican race for the county commissioner (2 year term) race appears to be.

One has to wonder, if the two Republican candidates are so well taken with each other (as reported in today's Repository by Kelli Young - Commissioner candidates vow to restore trust, accountability to office), why didn't they save Republican voters the chore of trying to get to know who they are voting for in the May 4th GOP primary by merely flipping a coin; winner take all?

Candidates Walters and Windham are trying to put a good face on it, but the truth of the matter is that it appears that Stark Republicans have decided they are not putting any resources into a Walters/Windham versus Democrat Tom Bernabei race.

Both were pushed out of the county commissioner contest for a 4 year term in favor of former Stark County auditor, recorder and Canton mayor Janet Creighton.  Stark GOPers feel they are the favorite in a Creighton versus Democrat Steve Meeks and are and will be putting most, if not all, their resources in the Creighton/Meeks match up.

And if there is any doubt about the political leadership qualities of both Walters and Windham, they  completely removed them in the Young interview.  Both are shown to be reactive, "don't look to me for any bold initiative/proactive" ideas candidate types.

Cost cutting and break up the Democratic "good old boy" network (which seems to be the platform that either will be running on), are reactive and do not have "a snowball's chance in Hell" of working in a campaign against Democrat Bernabei in November.

As an aside, Walters (a Jackson Township trustee) once bragged to The Report about the great relationship he has with the head of "the good old boys" (Randy Gonzalez, chairman of the Stark County Democratic Party who is also fiscal officer of Jackson Township)

What might work is for the nominee to work on presenting a dynamic, innovative and imaginative Stark County economic development plan for the general election.  But don't look for this to happen.  Both Walters and Windham appear to be unimaginative candidates.

Not that political signs means anything much, but neither has put out (at least as the SCPR has seen) any signs.  Both have a voter familiarity problem as does county auditor candidate Alan Harold.

But Harold, (who did a smart thing in running countywide for a Stark Co Education Service Center position - in terms of name I.D.) running unopposed in the primary, is using the run-up to the primary to get his signs out there and help his familiarity factor with Stark voters.

Bottom line on the Walters/Windham race is that both know that the primary is a dead end street and the winner get the bragging rights to have been the Republican nominee for the 2 year commissioner term on a pathway to political oblivion.

For bragging rights, they could have flipped a coin, no?

Since they did not, that is exactly what Stark Republican primary voters will be doing on May 4th!

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